Thursday, October 31, 2019
Conservation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Conservation - Research Paper Example Harp seal’s meat poses a great danger to human when consumed. Infected meat by brucella bacteria cause brucellosis disease when human consumes it in improperly cooked manner. A nematode called trichinella is a parasite that is present in harp seal’s meat. This parasite is transferable to human causing trichinosis. Harp seals produce oil that forms part of omega 3 used in the treatment of heart disease condition. In addition, the oil functions in maintaining brain functions, lowering chronic diseases risks and reducing inflammation. Research also shows their importance in lowering risks in cancer and arthritis. The harp seals originated from the northern hemisphere dating back to over 20 million years ago identified through their fossils. Civilization resulted into global warming due to the gases released by the industries, vehicles and other human practices. This has caused the ice sizes, which are vital to harp seal survival to shrink resulting in increased natural mortality rate of the seals. Harp seals have a range of fur types during the development stages. They have white coats at birth that turn to jagged coat that forms silver-white furs with small black spots as they develop. The black spots become larger as they mature and finally forms the harp designed black line (Landau 2010). The males are lager in size while the female are colorful. Bacteria that cause brucellosis are Gram-negative with the dominating species in marine animals being Brucella pinipediae and Brucella cetaceae. The bacteria exhibit inhibition of necrosis allowing it to invade and persists human cells. Bacteria result in brucellosis the cause several neuronal disorders. Trichinosis results from the parasite Trichinella spiralis that cause abdominal discomfort, nausea, fatigue and fever in human beings. In seal oil production, their skins are the major part of target. This oil contains docosapentanoic acid (DPA), docosahexanoic acid (DHA) and
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Why fear big business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Why fear big business - Essay Example Capitalism is said to have begun in 1834 in England, another reason the cartoonist would want to use a European Knight. The late nineteenth century saw the US thoroughly changed by the Industrial Revolution from a principally agricultural state that ranked well behind England, France, and Germany to the world’s most formidable industrial power by it is today (Keene et al., pg. 56). Whereas many Americans celebrated the Industrial Revolution for the unparalleled material wealth and growth it brought to the society, others became concerned by some of the dingy significances of industrializations. The consequence of these disagreeing visions was an extreme debate over the appropriate role of the state in regulating the economy, the workers’ rights to form unions and advocate for better pay and working conditions. The emergence of big corporations in the late nineteenth century during the period of rapid economic growth saw the rise of very powerful men. The choice of color and placement in the drawing provokes only appreciation of the cartoonist’s work. All the objects the cartoonist uses to depict the situation that presented the American worker are thought for. Whereas the average worker has only the strike as the weapon, the large corporations have the power to bribe not only the press for favorable coverage but also to state officials suppressing the government for laws that were good for business. The two different onlookers, the comfortably-seated and widely-smiling business tycoons and the standing hunger-stricken workers help the viewer see how much disparity existed in America. While the handful of the tycoons on the left sit under a shade, there is no shade for the seemingly endless crowd. It symbolizes how malnourished the people are- something that is father supported by the look on the children’s face (Keene et al.,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Importance Of The Air We Breathe Environmental Sciences Essay
The Importance Of The Air We Breathe Environmental Sciences Essay Almost all life on earth depends upon clean to function and survive. However, when the air we breathe in becomes polluted, we to become polluted. Polluted with harmful toxins, germs, viruses, etc. Some may wonder, Well, what exactly is air pollution? Air pollution is the presence in the air of one or more solid, liquid, or gaseous substances in such a concentration and of such duration as to cause a nuisance or to be injurious to human life, animal life and vegetation or disrupt the functioning of the environment (Dimitriou, Christidou, 2007). This means that air pollution could be anything from car exhaust inhaled while behind an old station wagon in traffic, to a room filled with bleach fumes. These are just a few of the many ways our air can be poisoned. While this may seem like small potatoes to someone or be an issue that can wait, the numbers dont lie. The average person breathes in about 2,200 2,400 gals of air, in order to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide with 2,200 2,70 0 gals of blood. This requires processing (at the very least) 4,400 gallons of liquid gas daily for life (Gorman, 2006). Now think about 2,200 gals of polluted air going into the human body daily! All of a sudden the issue of air pollution seems a lot more important doesnt it? In fact air pollution not only effects our current generation but also the future generations as well. Since about 1995, the number of studies linking air pollutants to prenatal problems such as LBW, SGA, preterm birth and cardiac birth defects has grown rapidly (Ritz Wilhelm, 2008). This means if the amount of air pollution isnt drastically reduced right now, we could be staring down the barrel of terminally ill children straight out of the womb. However, air pollution issues wont stop there. One of air pollutions cohorts is currently running loose on the world. This cohort goes by the name of lung disease. Over the last couple of years, cases of lung disease have sharply risen in the United States and spre ad globally. Its become so prevalent, that it has already reached #3 on the top 10 list of killers in the U.S. Lung disease causes a whopping 1 out of every 7 deaths! When that number is tallied the actual number is very sad and disappointing. Millions upon millions of people are suffering because of this disease caused by air pollution. Not only is air pollution causing lives, its also costing out cash strapped economy a lot of money. Lung disease in the United States alone, cost the economy $81.6 billion dollars in direct health care cost every year, plus tack on indirect costs of $76.2 billion dollars, and youre staring down the barrel of a total of more than $157.8 billion dollars in expenses (Gorman, 2006). The story just seems to get sadder and sadder as time progresses. However, there is still hope if society can become properly educated about air pollution. This research paper will attempt to do just that. Sources of Air Pollution Air Pollution can be caused by simple everyday things ranging from car exhaust stoves, to more complicated things such as factory emissions. One by product of these method of pollution is referred to fine particle pollution. Fine particle air pollution consists of microscopic particles of dust soot that are about 30 xs smaller than the width of a single human hair! So what can a few particles of dust do to a full grown person? Turns out these little problems can cause major life altering illnesses. According to a four-year study in AORN journal, researcher found that minute increases in fine particle air pollution resulted in significantly increased hospital visits for heart and vascular disease, heart failure, pulmonary disease, etc (2006). Now this is just an example of what one source of air pollution can do to the human body. Lets look at more. Formaldehyde is a common source of air pollution. In fact formaldehyde has been such a nuisance to the clean air cause that the EPA deemed it a human carcinogen. Despite this finding from a very trusted source, it continues to be widely used in the manufacturing of construction materials, furniture, and can also be found in paneling, cabinets, walls, textiles, floors, etc. One cant help but notice the places that the places previously listed are inside the home! This means that dangerous toxins are all around us and could be polluting our air right now. If its not bad enough to think of living with a harmful substance-think about the possibility of wearing one. Formaldehyde is also key ingredient used to produce permanent-press clothing. All of these products can off gas slowly seep) formaldehyde, therefore deteriorating indoor air quality (Royal, 1998). This segways into another type of air pollution thats often ignored-indoor air pollution. In third world countries around the world gas or electric stoves arent readily available. Therefore the majority of the population uses wood burning stoves. How does a wood stove cause indoor air pollution one may ask. Well, wood smoke is actually far more dangerous than tobacco smoke in some cases. Tobacco smoke (another source of air pollution that will be discussed next) causes damage inside the body for roughly thirty seconds after it is introduced into the body. Wood smoke on the other hand can damage cells inside the body for twenty minutes. Thats almost forty times longer than tobacco smoke! (Henkle, Mandzuk, Emergy, Schrowe, Sevilla-Martir, 2010). However, tobacco smoke is by far a more common source of air pollution and perhaps the oldest. Oldest? Yes, people were lighting up long before Phillip Morris was founded. Everyone from ancient Indians to famous explorers lit up. Modern times are no different as it seems not one day can pass with someone seeing a smoker. Perhaps smokers would reconsider their habit if they knew what they were putting into their bodies and a the air. When smoked, the tobacco and additives in a cigarette undergo complex chemical processes to form smoke that contains more than four thousand chemicals. Forty-three constituents of tobacco smoke are known carcinogens including ammonia, formaldehyde, arsenic, hydrogen cyanide, etc (Cigarette Litter -Filters. n.d.). Thats four thousand chemicals getting into your lungs and the atmosphere. So as you can see from the previous few lines, cigarette smoke is a key player in the air pollution game. However, sadly with every cause thats been listed, there must be a n equal or more devastating effect. Health Effects of Breathing Polluted Air The real cost of air pollution cannot be measured until the health cost are factored in. Too much air pollution can make anyones life a living hell. Why? Well because substantial exposure to air pollution can have drastically negative effects on an individuals overall well being. For example if a person inhaled too much car exhaust, tobacco smoke, factory smoke, etc they would be at risk for the following ailments: Major lung diseases include chronic bronchitis, sarcoidosis, emphysema interstitial lung disease, asthma, and other types of COPD. There are more than twenty eight other classified lung diseases, including, lung cancer, necrotizing and other forms of pneumonia, pleural effusions, asbestosis, pulmonary edema, pulmonary hypertension, cystic fibrosis, and rheumatoid lung disease (Gorman, 2006). With such a long list of ailments attributed to air pollution its no wonder the Institute of Medicine suggest that indoor air pollutants may lead to the development of a variety of diseases and symptoms, including allergies, asthma, central nervous system effects, infection, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, mucosal irritation, inhalation fevers,,, psychological effects, dermatitis, and some forms of cancer (Barnes, Fisher, Postma, Harnish, Butterfield, Hill, 2010). Pregnancy may constitute a period of human development particularly susceptible to toxins contained in air pollution because of high cell proliferation, organ development and the changing capabilities of fetal metabolism (Ritz Wilhelm, 2008) For example, reports by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) estimated the contribution of environmental pollutants to the incidence, prevalence, mortality, and costs of four pediatric diseases in American children. Most increases in admissions occurred on the same day as the change in air pollution level, suggesting that there was a short time period between the change in air pollution and the physiological response of the participants (2006) The presence in the atmosphere of solid, gaseous or liquid substances emitted by natural sources or as a result of human activities (for example the use of solvents, paints, varnishes and fossil fuels) damages human health, animal life and vegetation, as well as the balance of the ecosystem. Climate change and acid rain are among the consequences of air pollution (Dimitriou, Christidou, 2007) Acid rain is a broad term; it refers to a complex chemical and atmospheric phenomenon that occurs when emissions of nitrogen or sulphur dioxides react in the atmosphere with water and oxygen, forming a mild solution of sulphuric and nitric acids that are then deposited as rain. The ecological effects are most clearly seen in aquatic environments, such as streams, lakes and marshes. These and the surrounding soil become acidic and as a result aluminum is released from the soil into the water. Aluminum is highly toxic to many species of the aquatic organisms leading to the loss of biodiversity (Dimitriou, Christidou, 2007). Preventive Measures that Can Reduce Exposure to Air Pollution Prevention Quit smoking; do not frequent places where there is a lot of second hand smoke, Check the quality of air in your community. Contact the local EPA for more information. Test for radon gas in your home. Use indoor air filters in rooms where you spend the most time. Reduce the amount of energy you consume to reduce fossil fuel consumption. Do not exercise in areas of high pollution. If you work in a high-risk job, take precautions to protect your lungs. Use-masks or filters, and take frequent breaks to get a few deep breaths of cleaner air (Gorman, 2006). Studies have calculate that if air pollution was limited the stats for certain diseases would drop 100% for lead poisoning, 30% for asthma, 5% for cancer, and 10% for neuro behavioral disorders. Total costs to society (direct medical costs and indirect societal costs, such as lost work days) w e re estimated to range from 48.8 billion to 64.8 billion dollars (Barnes, Fisher, Postma, Harnish, Butterfield, Hill, 2010)
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
The cardiac cycle is equilibrium to one complete heartbeat, first the atria contracts and then ventricles contract and then relax. This can be marked by the many changes in blood volume and pressure within the heart. While the heart is in complete relaxation (diastole) the pressure in the heart is very low, blood is flowing from the pulmonary and systemic circulations into the atria and on through to the ventricles; the semilunar valves are closed and the AV valves are open (Pearson, 475). Not long after atrial contraction occurs and atrial pressure increases, forcing residual blood into ventricles, then ventricular systole begins and intraventricular pressure increases swiftly, closing the AV valves. The ventricular pressure surpassed when this happens the semilunar valves are forced open, and the blood in the ventricular chambers is dispersed through the valves. In the course of this phase the aortic pressure reaches approximately 120mmHg in a healthy young adult. During ventricula r systole the atria relax and their chambers fill with blood, resulting in a gradual increase in atrial pressure (Martini, 684). At the end of ventricular systole, the ventricles relax: the semilunar valves closes shut (preventing backflow), and momentarily, the ventricles are closed chambers. The aortic semilunar valve snaps shut causing a quick increase in the aortic pressure, results from the elastic recoil of the aorta after the valve closes. As the ventricles relax, the pressure within them begins to drop. The average heart beats approximately 75 beats per minute, the length of the cardiac cycle is about 0.8 second (Martini,). There are sounds heard in the cardiovascular system result from turbulent blood flow. There are two unmistakable sounds ... ...ds have disappeared the diastolic pressure is recorded. After the data is collected you must then calculate your numbers to get your mean arterial pressure (MAP) using the formula two-thirds diastolic plus one-third systolic (MAP=2/3 diastolic + 1/3 systolic). Checking my pulse before and after light exercise I was able to obtain my cardiac output using the formula heart rate times stroke volume (CO=HR(SV)) because stroke volume varies with gender as well as body type professor Raj provides us with those numbers. After those numbers were calculated we were then able to measure the total peripheral resistance (TPR) using what information we already had using the formula MAP/CO. In the data that follows you will see the average for a group of 25 people for each mean arterial pressure, cardiac output, and total peripheral resistance before and after the light exercise.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Daily Dairy
First day back at placement after Easter Holiday, I greeted children in to class as their parents dropped them in to class in the morning. Straight away children where learning through play. My morning duty was to supervise children and play with them. There was Lego, foam on a table, a table with sand and toys set out for the children. Girl A speaks Bengali at the moment learning to speak English. But she said whistle in Bengali as she was pouring sand through a windmill toy. Girl B described the foam as â€Å"sticky†as she was touching the foam. Girl A said â€Å"let’s play with water! †, again she said that in Bengali.So I helped her and translated in Bengali for her to repeat after me and say, â€Å"Let’s†¦ play†¦ with†¦ water! †She attempted and said, â€Å"play†¦ with†¦ water! †I then praised her and said, â€Å"Well done! †While Girl A, B, C & D where playing with fishes in the water bath they were s eeing who catches how many fishes. So I instructed them to take turns and count how many they caught in their nets. After play I assisted Girl B to wash her hands making sure the water was not to hot and that she rinsed all the foam off her hands. Then I instructed her to dry her hands with the towel.At morning play, I was with a group of children. I pointed out to them as we were admiring the sun that the clouds where moving. So I instructed them to steady their eyes on the clouds and watch how slowly the clouds move. After break was numeracy time. The children where divided in three groups in different areas f the class room. One of the teachers had to go to the loo so she left me with her group and instructed me to sing â€Å"five little ducks†with them which they enjoyed as I exaggerated my hand gestures. After the teacher came back she did a sharing and counting activity using bears/animals & a container.Boy A understands more about equableness than the other children i n his group. After group activity children had phonics time with the whole class just before lunch. They where sounding out the first letter of their names. E. g. â€Å"T†¦ T†¦ Tahmina†and then deciding whether it was a bouncy or stretchy sound. â€Å"T†¦ T†¦ is a bouncy sound†During phonics another teacher called me over and instructed me to set the construction play table outside ready for lunch play. So I chose a box full of Interstars and tipped the lot on the table outside in the nursery playground.Then Miss put out costumes in a corner for the children to express themselves as different characters. I believe this is a great way to build their confidence. Before lunch I supervised children to wash there hands and dry them. Also I was mopping the floor regularly for the children’s safety in case they slipped because water was being sprinkled on the floor. At the lunch hall, I asked the children what they would like to eat giving them a choice of, tuna rap or chicken. Then I gave the children a slice of bread and some salad, bearing in mind there was a child allergic to bread on my table.As well as working 1:1 with Girl A helping her eat cause she was getting bored I also helped other children cut their chicken into small pieces making it easy for them to eat and pick up. During lunch play I was instructed by the teacher to water the plants with the children which I very much enjoyed with the children as they enjoyed the activity to. I didn’t experience any difficulties during that particular activity, but if there were any concerns or problems I would have asked any of the teachers for advice and support.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Interpretation of Legal Terms About Contractual
Kavala Institute of Technology MSc in Oil & Gas Technology â€Å"CONTRACT LAW†â€Å"THE INTERPRETATION OF LEGAL TERMS ABOUT CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES IN AN OIL OR GAS EXPLORATION/EXTRACTION CONTRACT†Authors: Andreou Christos Georgiou Manolis Kakanis Iordanis Skarvelas Stathis Supervisor: Pr. K. KalamboukaNovember 2012 ABSTRACT The purpose of this assignment is to identify the contractual obligations of the parties in oil and gas exploration and extraction contracts.The assignment is based on the contract between Cyprus Government and the authorized company as is approved by the Cypriot Parliament and is harmonized to â€Å"Directive 94/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 1994 on the conditions for granting and using authorizations for the prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons†Contents Introduction 4 1. Conditions and requirements for granting authorizations 4 2.General and specific information submitted by the applicant 5 3. Grant of an authorization 5 4. Duration of an authorization for prospection 6 5. Duration of an authorization for exploration 6 6. Relinquishment of area 6 7. Duration of an authorization for exploitation 7 8. Grant of rights to the holders of authorizations 7 9. Transfer of an authorization or assignment of rights arising from an authorization 8 10. Control of a holder of authorization by a third country or a national of a third country 8 11.Work practices 8 12. Directions of the Minister to holders of an authorization in case of contravention of Regulation 11 9 13. Drilling operations10 14. Protection of the environment11 15. Construction and maintenance of installations, pipelines and related equipment12 16. Measurement of hydrocarbons14 17. Authorized officers15 18. Unit development16 19. Records17 20. Reports17 21. Hydrocarbons production records19 22. Obligations in case of termination of an authorization20 23. Confidentiality20 24.Powers of the Court for seizure and confiscation21 25. Abandonment21 26. Abandonment of the well22 27. References23 INTRODUCTION Oil and gas contracts are shaped by national and international laws that relate to common industry transactions. With standardized contracts being used across different jurisdictions, it is important that these legal principles are properly understood. The increasing scarcity of natural resources makes it more, rather than less, likely that legal issues will be tested in the oil and gas sector.The accelerated pace of change in the oil and gas industry make this one of the world’s most challenging and complex sectors in which to understand, draft and negotiate contracts. The legal and regulatory framework of upstream oil and gas industry contracts is constantly changing, therefore it is critical that all lawyers, commercial and contracts managers working in this sector are up-to-speed. OBLIGATIONS Conditions and requirements for granting authorizations ) The authorizations may be granted on such conditions and requirements in order to ensure: a) the proper performance of the activities permitted by the authorization b) the financial contribution in money or a contribution in hydrocarbons c) national security d) public safety e) public health f) security of transport g) protection of the environment pursuant to section 11 and the terms specified in the Regulations made under this Law h) protection of biological and mineral resources and of national treasures possessing artistic, historic or archaeological value i) safety of installations and of workers ) planned management of hydrocarbon resources, such as particularly the rate at which hydrocarbons are depleted or the optimization of their recovery; and k) the need to secure revenues to the Republic. made to the conditions and requirements in the course of the procedure of examining the applications, shall be notified to all interested entities General and specific information submitted by the applic ant ) An application for an authorization for exploration shall contain the following specific information: l) the designation of the area or areas for which an application has been made, and if the application is made in respect of more than one area, the priority assigned to each area m) a detailed description of the exploration programme proposed for the area or areas applied for and its geographical distribution over such area or areas n) the minimum obligations to be undertaken relating to work and expenditure during the exploration period o) a brief note concerning he exploration activities and the effects which are likely to have on the environment, and the measures that the exploration work program intends to take for dealing with p) proposals relating to the training and employment of nationals of the Republic and the minimum expenditures to be incurred to that effect q) proposals relating to the economic terms and conditions required as criteria for the evaluation of the a pplication, such as the financial consideration and/or the sharing of production between the applicant and the Government of the Republic r) any agreement between any persons relating to the manner in which hydrocarbons operations are to be financed and s) any other information as may be required by the Minister or under the applicable model contract or which the applicant wishes the Minister to consider Grant of an authorization 3) The Minister shall negotiate the terms and provisions of the Contract with the selected applicant.In case where the negotiation is successful, the text of the Contract shall be submitted to the Council of Ministers for approval, and thereafter, if approved and signed by both parties, the relevant authorization shall be granted. Duration of an authorization for prospection 4) An authorization for prospection shall be granted for a period not exceeding one year. Duration of an authorization for exploration 5) (1) An authorization for exploration shall be g ranted for an initial period not exceeding three years and may be renewed for up to two terms, each term not exceeding two years, provided that the conditions referred to in paragraph (2) are fulfilled. 2) The authorization for exploration may be renewed, pursuant to paragraph (1), provided that the holder of such authorization has fulfilled all his obligations arising from the authorization and has submitted an application to the Council of Ministers two months prior to the expiry of the current term. (3) The Contract may provide that in case where an appraisal work program with respect to a discovery is in progress and has not been completed at the expiry of the second renewal referred to in paragraph (1), the holder of an authorization may apply to the Council of Ministers for an extension of the exploration period, which, however, may not exceed six months, in case of crude oil discovery and twenty-four months in case of natural gas discovery.In case of natural gas discovery the Council of Ministers, may extend the exploration period for a turnover the twenty-four months, if it deems that such period is necessary to determine whether a commercially viable natural gas market exists or/and is to be created. (4) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2), where the holder of an authorization has not fulfilled all his obligations arising from the authorization, the Council of Ministers may decide to renew the authorization under such terms and conditions as the Council of Ministers may deem proper to impose. Relinquishment of area 6) (1) Upon each renewal of the authorization for exploration, the holder of an authorization relinquishes at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the initial surface of the area that is included in the authorization granted. 2) Upon expiry of the renewal of the authorization for exploration, as possibly renewed and/or extended pursuant to the provisions of Regulation 9, the holder of an authorization relinquishes all the remainin g part of the area that is included in the authorization granted: Provided that the area to be relinquished under this paragraph shall not include the areas included in an authorization for exploitation. Duration of an authorization for exploitation 7) (1) The duration of an authorization for exploitation for each exploitation area shall not exceed twenty-five years and may be renewed for a period up to ten years, subject to the terms of the Contract. (2) The authorization for exploitation may be renewed, pursuant to paragraph (1), provided that the holder of such authorization has fulfilled all his obligations arising from the authorization and has submitted an application to the Council of Ministers, through the Minister, one year 11 prior to the expiry of the current term. Grant of rights to the holders of authorizations ) (1) The authorization for the prospection of hydrocarbons shall grant to the holder of an authorization the right to prospect for hydrocarbons in the area for which the authorization was granted, (2) The authorization for the exploration of hydrocarbons shall grant to the holder of an authorization exclusive rights to explore for hydrocarbons in the area for which the authorization was granted, under the conditions and requirements of the authorization granted, and in the case of a commercial discovery of hydrocarbons, the right to be granted an exploitation authorization related to such a discovery, in accordance with the provisions of this Law and the Regulations. 3) The authorization for the exploitation of hydrocarbons shall grant to the holder of an authorization exclusive rights to exploit hydrocarbons in the area for which the authorization was granted, under the conditions and requirements of the authorization granted under the conditions and requirements of the authorization granted. Transfer of an authorization or assignment of rights arising from an authorization 9) No holder of an authorization may transfer an authorization or assign the rights arising from an authorization to another entity, except upon the consent of the Council of Ministers, which may be granted if t) it does not endanger national security ) the Council of Ministers is satisfied that an entity to whom the authorization would be transferred or the rights arising from an authorization would be assigned has sufficient technical knowledge, experience and financial resources to secure the proper exercise of the activities of prospecting, exploring for and exploiting hydrocarbons v) the entity to which the authorization would be transferred or the rights arising from an authorization would be assigned undertakes to comply with such other conditions and requirements as the Council of Ministers may deem proper to impose. Control of a holder of authorization by a third country or a national of a third country 10) (1) No entity may, after the grant of an authorization thereto, come under the direct or indirect control of a third country, or a n ational of a third country, without the prior approval of the Council of Ministers. 2) Any holder of an authorization that comes under the direct or indirect control of a third country or a national of a third country without the prior approval of the Council of Ministers, shall commit an offence and shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months or to a fine not exceeding eight hundred fifty four thousand and three hundred Euros or to both such penalties. Work practices 11) (1) Every holder of an authorization shall carry out hydrocarbons operations in a proper, safe and workmanlike manner and in accordance with good oilfield practices. Every holder of an authorization is bound to comply with these Regulations and any other legislation regulating work practices, employers’ obligations, safety and health at work and the rights of employees. (2) Every holder of an authorization is bound to: ) ensure that all materials, supplies, machinery, plant, equipment and installations used by him or by subcontractors comply with generally accepted standards in the international petroleum industry and are of proper construction and kept in good working order b) use the natural resources of the area that is included in the authorization granted as productively as practicable c) prevent damage to producing formations and ensure that hydrocarbons discovered, mud or any other fluids or substances do not escape or be wasted d) prevent damage to hydrocarbon and water bearing strata that are adjacent to a producing formation or formations and prevent water from entering any strata bearing hydrocarbons, except where water injection methods are used for secondary recovery operations or are intended otherwise in accordance with generally accepted international petroleum industry practice e) properly store hydrocarbons in receptacles constructed for that purpose, and not store crude oil in an earthen reservoir, except temporarily in an eme rgency and f) apply the provisions of the Solid and Hazardous Waste Law as regards the hydrocarbon waste Directions of the Minister to holders of an authorization in case of contravention of Regulation 11 12) (1) In cases where the Minister scertains that any holder of an authorization has not acted in accordance with Regulation 13, he may notify such holder of an authorization in writing accordingly and require him to show cause, within a specified time-period, why he has omitted to act in accordance with Regulation 13 (2) Where the holder of an authorization to whom a written notice has been sent, in accordance with paragraph (1), fails within the specified time period, to satisfy the Minister that he has acted in accordance with Regulation 13 or to prove that such omission is justified, the Minister may direct in writing the holder of an authorization to take such measures as may be necessary with a view to ensuring compliance of the holder of an authorization with Regulation 13 (3) Where the holder of an authorization fails to comply with the Minister’s directions pursuant to paragraph (2) a) the holder of an authorization shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to a fine not exceeding one million seven hundred eight thousand and six hundred one euro or to both such penalties: Provided that in case of a prosecution against the holder of an authorization in respect of the offence referred to in this subparagraph, it shall be a defense if the holder of an authorization proves that he promptly took all necessary measures in accordance with good oilfield practices in order to comply with the Minister’s directions b) the Minister may take all or any of the measures required by his directions. In such a case, any costs incurred by the Minister shall be payable by the holder of an authorization and shall be collected as a civil debt due to the Republic Drilling operations 3) (1) The holder of an authorization is bound to ensure that the well design and conduct of drilling operations, including its casing, cementing, well spacing and plugging operations, shall be in conformity with generally accepted international petroleum industry practice (2) Every well is identified by a name, number and geographic coordinates, which are shown on maps, plans and similar records which the holders of an authorization are bound to keep. The holders of an authorization must promptly notify the Minister in writing of any change of the above-mentioned particulars (3) At least seven days before commencing any drilling or other work with respect to any well or recommencing any drilling or other work with respect to any well on which work has been discontinued for more than six months, the holders of an authorization are bound to notify the Minister in writing of their intention to do so. Such notice shall contain the following: a) the official name and number of the well ) a description of its precise location by reference to geographical coordinates c) a detailed report on the drilling technique to be followed, an estimate of the time and depth required, the material to be used and the safety measures to be taken and d) a well location report along with the geological and geophysical data and any interpretations thereof, upon which the particular location was selected (4) Where any drilling or other work with respect to any well is discontinued for a period exceeding thirty days, the holders of an authorization shall promptly notify the Minister in writing (5) At least two days before recommencing any drilling or any work, with respect to any well on which work has been discontinued for more than thirty days but for less than six months, the holders of an authorization are bound to inform the Minister in writing of their intention to do so (6) No holder of an authorization may drill a well any part of which is less than two hundred meters from a bo undary of the area that is included in the authorization granted except upon the prior written approval of the Minister and under such terms and conditions as the Minister may deem fit to impose Protection of the environment 4) (1) The holder of an authorization shall ensure that hydrocarbons operations are conducted in an environmentally acceptable and safe manner, consistent with the environmental legislation in force for the time being and the good international industry practice, and shall exercise effective control for that purpose (2) The holder of an authorization is bound to take all the necessary measures in order to: a) minimize any avoidable environmental pollution or damage to the water, the soil or the atmosphere, in relation to hydrocarbons operations b) comply with the provisions of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, which entered into force internationally on the 19th June 1975, its Protocol hich was signed on the 19th November, 1976 and entered into force internationally on the 8th April, 1981 and the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage of 1969 and its Protocol of 1976 (Ratification) and Matters Connected Therewith Law of 1989 (3) If the holder of an authorization omits to comply with the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2) and any environmental pollution is caused in water, the soil or the atmosphere, the holder of an authorization shall take all reasonable and necessary measures to remedy or eliminate such pollution (4) If the Minister deems that any works or installations erected by the holders of an authorization or any operations conducted by the holders of an authorization endanger or may endanger persons or property of a third-party or cause pollution or harm to the environment, wildlife or marine organisms to a degree which the Minister deems unacceptable, the Minister may require the holder of an authorization to take corrective measures within a reasonable time period specified by the Minister, and to repair any damage to the environment.If the Minister deems it necessary, he may submit a proposal to the Council of Ministers, and the latter may suspend the authorization until the holder of an authorization has taken such corrective measures or has repaired any environmental damage (5) The measures and methods to be used by the holders of an authorization for the purpose of complying with paragraph (2)(a) shall be agreed in consultation with the Minister upon the commencement of the hydrocarbons operations or whenever there is a significant change in the scope or method of conducting hydrocarbons operations. The measures and methods must comply with the international standards applicable in similar circumstances (6)a) Prior to the commencement of any drilling operations, the holder of an authorization shall prepare and submit to the Minister for evaluation and approval, a contingency plan for hydrocarbon leakage and fire.In such a case, the holder of an authorization shall immediately apply the relevant contingency plan b) case of any emergency or accident other than those referred to in subparagraph (a) which affects the environment, the holder of an authorization shall take all reasonable and necessary measures, in accordance with the generally accepted international petroleum industry practice (7) In the event that the holder of an authorization omits to take the measures provided for in paragraphs (1) to (6), within the time-period specified by the Minister, the Minister may direct any action which he deems necessary and require the holder of an authorization to pay any expenses required for the execution of such actionsConstruction and maintenance of installations, pipelines and related equipment 15) (1) The holder of an authorization is bound to maintain in good condition and repair all structures, equipment and other installations used for the hydrocarbons operations and being available in the area that is incl uded in the authorization granted (2) In conducting offshore operations, the holder of an authorization, in accordance with international petroleum industry practice and applicable legislation and regulations, is bound to ensure that constructions and installations to be erected shall: a) be constructed, placed, marked, buoyed, equipped and maintained so that there are safe and convenient channels for navigation b) be fitted with navigational aids and be illuminated between sunset and sunrise in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships of 1973, its Protocol of 1978 and the Resolutions MEPC 14(20) of 1984, MEPC 16(22) and MEPC 21(22) of 1985 c) be kept in good repair and working order and ) not hinder navigation or fishing or cause pollution of the sea or rivers (3) No holder of an authorization may construct, alter or operate a pipeline, pumping station, storage facility or any other related facilities for the conveyan ce or storage of hydrocarbons from the area that is included in the authorization granted except upon his written application and the approval of the Minister (4) Such written application, referred to in paragraph (3) above, shall contain the following information: a) the proposed design and construction of the pipeline, pumping station, storage facility or other related facilities b) the proposed work program and budget and the technical and financial resources available to the holder of an authorization for the construction, alteration or operation of the pipeline, pumping station, storage facility or any other related facilities and c) the proposed route to be followed by the pipeline and the location of any pumping station, storage facility or other related facilities to be constructed, altered or operated (5) a) The Minister may, by Order published in the Official Gazette of the Republic, order the construction of common installations, including pipelines and other transportati on, processing, storage and communication facilities, for different areas included in the authorizations granted, if this is justified by public interest b) The holders of an authorization referred to in subparagraph (a) shall take all necessary measures and use their best efforts to reach agreement on the construction and operation of such common facilities and shall report to the Minister every fifteen days on the progress of their negotiations.If no agreement is reached after the expiration of three months, the Minister may refer the dispute to a mediation procedure (6) a) Where there exists excess capacity, a holder of an authorization may, upon approval by the Minister, enter into an agreement with another holder of an authorization, in order to use such facilities including pipelines and any other transportation, processing, storage and communication facilities b) If no agreement is reached within thirty days for the usage of the installations, the holder of an authorization w ho wishes to enter into an agreement may submit an application to the Minister, who, if he deems it appropriate, shall refer the dispute to arbitration or mediation Measurement of hydrocarbons 6) (1) a) Every holder of an authorization is bo und to obtain, operate and maintain equipment for measuring the volume and quality of any hydrocarbons produced and saved from the area that is included in the authorization granted to him including equipment or other measuring devices of the gravity, density, temperature and pressure b) All such equipment and devices along with their permissible tolerances shall not be installed or used or replaced or altered except with the prior approval of the Minister (2) Such measurement, as referred to in paragraph (1), shall be conducted by the method or methods customarily used in the international petroleum industry. The frequency and the measuring operations must be submitted in advance to the Minister for approval (3) The holder of an authorization s hall give to the Minister two days’ notice of his intention to conduct measuring operations and an authorized officer may be present and inspect such operations (4) Equipment and measuring devices shall be available for nspection and testing at all reasonable times by any authorized officers: Provided that, any such inspection and testing does not obstruct the normal operation of the facilities involved (5) If it is ascertained, following an inspection or test referred to in paragraph (4), that the equipment, devices or procedures used for measurement are inaccurate and exceed the permissible tolerances approved as provided for in paragraph (1), such inaccuracy is deemed to have existed for the entire period since the last such inspection or test, unless it is proved that the inaccuracy has been in existence for a longer or shorter period. The holders of an authorization shall proceed to the appropriate adjustments within thirty days from the date of such ascertainment Author ized officers 7) (1) The Minister may, by notification published in the Official Gazette of the Republic, authorize an appropriate person or persons to act as authorized officers in the application of this Law and the Regulations made there under and the conditions of the authorization (2) An authorized officer may carry out any or all of the following acts: a) enter at all reasonable times, showing his credentials, if so requested, and without prior notice, any building or premises or any other place, in which he has reasonable cause to believe that there is a contravention of the conditions of the holder’s authorization or any other contravention of this Law and the Regulations.Provided that, an authorized officer may not enter any residence without the prior securing of a judicial warrant b) carry out such searches, examinations, tests, inspections, reviews and investigations that may be necessary for the purpose of ascertaining whether there is a contravention of the cond itions of the holder’s authorization or any other contravention of this Law and to inspect, take extracts or copies of documents related to the hydrocarbons operations c) keep copies of any evidence or records which he has reasonable cause to believe that may be required for the purpose of proof in criminal or civil proceedings in respect of any offence pursuant to this Law and copies of any information required to be given to the Minister under section 17, on condition that the provisions of the Processing of Personal Data (Protection of Individuals) Laws are being complied with d) carry out anything that he may deem ecessary and reasonable with a view to securing compliance with the provisions of this Law and the Regulations made thereunder e) enter at all reasonable times, showing his credentials, if so requested and without any prior notice, any building, premises, area, vehicle, vessel or aircraft, and examine any machinery or equipment, which has been, is being or is to be used in connection with the hydrocarbons operations f) enter at all reasonable times, showing his credentials, if so requested and without any prior notice, any building, premises, area, vehicle, vessel or aircraft, and examine any machinery or equipment, which has been, is being or is to be used in connection with the hydrocarbons operations (3) Any holder of an authorization and any person who is the owner, occupier or in charge of any building, premises, area, vehicle, vessel or aircraft, machinery or equipment referred to in subsection (2), is bound to provide the Minister with all reasonable assistance, including the provision of necessary means of transport, for the effective exercise of his powers Unit development 8) (1) For the purposes of this Regulation, â€Å"unit development†, in relation to a hydrocarbon reservoir, means the operations for the recovery of hydrocarbons being carried on or, to be carried on in an area, for which an authorization has been grante d and in which there is part of a reservoir, that falls into another area that is included in an authorization granted to another person by the Republic or other state and in which operations for the recovery of hydrocarbons are carried on or will be carried on (2) No holder of an authorization may enter into an agreement in writing with another person for, or in relation to, the unit development of a hydrocarbon reservoir except upon the submission of such an agreement to the Minister and his written approval (3) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2), the Minister may, either on his own motion or following an application made to him in writing by a holder of an authorization in whose licensed area there is a part of a particular hydrocarbon reservoir, for the purpose of securing the more effective and productive recovery of hydrocarbons from that hydrocarbon reservoir, direct any such holder of an authorization whose licensed area includes part of that hydrocarbon reservoir to enter into an agreement in writing within a specified period or or in relation to the unit development of the hydrocarbon reservoir (4) Where a holder of an authorization, omits to enter into the agreement referred to in paragraph (3) within the specified period or enters into the agreement referred to in paragraphs (2) and (3) but omits to submit it to the Minister for approval, the Minister may, by notice served on the holder of an authorization, request the submission, within a specified period, of an action plan for, or in relation to, the unit development of hydrocarbons (5) In case the hydrocarbon reservoir extends beyond the median line that separates the Exclusive Economic Zones of the Republic and a neighboring country, the unit development shall be governed by the relevant international agreements Records 9) Every operator is bound to keep at his office in the Republic accurate records in respect of the area that is included in the authorization granted, containing full p articulars of the following a) the areas in which any geological or geophysical work has been carried out b) accurate geological maps and plans, geophysical records and interpretations thereof c) drilling, operation, deepening, plugging or abandonment of wells d) the strata and subsoil through which wells are drilled e) the casing inserted in wells and any alteration to such casing f) any hydrocarbons, water and other economic minerals or dangerous substances encountered g) such other matters as the Contract may provide or as the Minister may deem reasonably necessary to require by notice in writing served on the holder of an authorization Reports 0) (1) The holders of an authorization are bound to inform the Minister of all major developments in relation to the course of hydrocarbons operations (2) Without prejudice to those mentioned in paragraph (1), the holders of an authorization shall submit to the Minister the following particulars a. as soon as possible after the same are ac quired or prepared i. copies of all geological, geophysical and other technical reports, well logs, maps, diagrams, magnetic tapes, electronic and other stored data, in any form, reports and interpretations which have been prepared by or for the holder of an authorization and ii. representative geological samples including cuts of core and cutting samples, properly labeled, from all wells drilled b. at half-yearly intervals commencing from the completion of six months from the grant of an authorization iii. summary of all geological and geophysical works carried out and the results thereof iv. a summary of all drilling operations and the results thereof and v. a list of maps, reports and other geological and geophysical data prepared by or for the holder of an authorization, in respect of the period concerned c. every year and within sixty days commencing from the completion of one year from the grant of an authorization: vi. a report describing the results of all hydrocarbons opera tions carried out by the holder of an authorization within the year concerned and vii. estimates, if available, of economically recoverable reserves of crude oil and natural gas at the end of the year concerned d. ummaries of exploration wells drilled, including lithological groups and hydrocarbons zones, within six months of completion of drilling or, in the case of information that cannot be reasonably obtained in that period, as soon as possible thereafter e. any other available information, data, reports, assessments and interpretations related to the hydrocarbons operations as the Minister may reasonably require (3) No holder of an authorization may transport outside the Republic originals of records, magnetic tapes, electronic and other stored records, in any form, except upon the prior approval of the Minister, which may be granted if the Minister is satisfied that f. the magnetic tapes or other data which will be processed or analyzed outside the Republic shall be exported o nly if the originals or copies shall remain in the Republic and g. n case where such originals of records, magnetic tapes, electronic and other stored records, in any form, are exported outside the Republic, the said originals shall be returned to the Republic within a reasonable time-limit (4) Ownership of all original information and data referred to in this Regulation shall vest in the Republic (5) The Minister may have access to the originals of all records, magnetic tapes, electronic and other stored records in any form, and may, upon request, obtain two copies thereof from the holder of an authorization free of charge (6) The holder of an authorization shall keep originals beyond the termination of the Contract for a period and under such terms prescribed in the Contract Hydrocarbons production records 1) (1) The operator is bound to keep during the validity of the Contract at his office in the Republic accurate production records containing full particulars of the following: w) the gross quantity of any crude oil and natural gas produced and saved from the area that is included in the authorization granted x) the grades, gravity and composition of any crude oil produced and the composition of any natural gas produced y) any quantities of crude oil, natural gas and sulfur, in any form, or any other minerals, gases, liquids or solids disposed of by way of sale or otherwise, the consideration received, the quantity disposed of and the name and address of the natural or legal person to whom any such quantity was disposed of z) the quantity of crude oil, natural gas and other liquids or gases injected into a geological formation {) the quantity of crude oil and natural gas consumed for drilling and other development and production operations, other than the quantity referred to in Sub paragraph (d), and the quantity of crude oil and natural gas consumed in pumping to field storage, in the refineries of the Republic or up to the delivery point |) the quantity of crude oil refined by or on behalf of the holder of an authorization in the Republic, if any }) the quantity of natural gas treated in the Republic by or on behalf of the holder of an authorization for the removal of liquids and liquefied petroleum gases and the quantity of butane, propane and any other liquids, gases or any solids obtained therefrom ~) the quantity of natural gas flared or vented and ) any other information as the Contract may provide or the Minister may reasonably require in writing by the holder of an authorization Obligations in case of termination of an authorization 22) In case of termination, revocation, suspension, cancellation or expiration of an authorization, or upon relinquishment of any part of the area that is included in the authorization granted, the holder of an authorization is bound, within seven days, to deliver to the Minister, in relation to the area, copies of such documents or material not previously delivered.The Minister may, by notice in writing, require the holder of an authorization to deliver any other data as he may reasonably deem necessary Confidentiality 23) (1) Subject to the provisions of section 20 of the Law, all returns, reports, plans, data and other information submitted to the Minister pursuant to these Regulations shall be treated as confidential within the meaning of section 13 of the Statistics Law, and shall not be disclosed to third parties prior to the relinquishment of the area to which the above-mentioned particulars relate or prior to the expiry of the exploration period if such area is not sooner relinquished, unless the Contract provides otherwise (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) ) any surface geological maps and interpretations may be utilized at any time by the competent authorities of the Republic for incorporation into official maps b) annual statistical information may be published at any time by the Republic in a form which does not disclose the operations of any particular holder of an authorization c) the Republic may communicate such returns, reports, plans, data and other information at any time, if deemed necessary, to professional consultants, lawyers, legal advisers, accountants, underwriters, creditors, government services and organizations and public corporations (3) Without prejudice to the terms of the Contract, no holder of an authorization may publish or communicate any returns, reports, plans, data and other information compiled, received, kept or submitted pursuant to these Regulations or the terms of the Contract except upon the prior written approval of the Minister (4) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (3), the holders of an authorization may, without the prior written approval of the Minister, communicate such returns, reports, plans, data and other information available, to professional consultants, lawyers, legal advisers, accountants, underwriters, creditors and companies in which the holders of an authorizat ion maintain the majority in shares, or appoint the majority of members of the board of directors as well as to services and organizations and public corporations of the Republic that shall be entitled to require he disclosure of such information (5) Any notification or communication made by the Minister or a holder of an authorization pursuant to this Regulation shall be made on condition that the information so notified or communicated shall be deemed to be and treated as confidential by the natural or legal person that is the recipient of such information Powers of the Court for seizure and confiscation 24) The Court may order that any quantity of hydrocarbons that has been obtained as a result of the commission of an offence, as well as any machine, equipment, vehicle, ship or aircraft and also any construction that has been used during the commission thereof shall be confiscated and/or seized. Where the confiscation of hydrocarbons is not possible, the Court may order that the person committing the offence shall pay a fine to at least the value of the quantity of the hydrocarbons that have been unlawfully obtained Abandonment 5) (1) Unless the Minister deems otherwise, on expiry of the time-period or termination of an authorization, the holder of an authorization is bound to: ) remove all equipment, installations, structures, plants, appliances and pipelines from the area in accordance with the abandonment plan provided by the Contract ) perform all necessary site restoration activities in accordance with good international petroleum industry practice and take all other necessary measures to prevent hazards to human life or to the property of others or the environment (2) For the purpose of complying with the provisions of this Regulation, the Minister may, at any time, in accordance with the terms of the Contract, require the holders of an authorization to submit a guarantee, for an amount determined by the Minister, or in the alternative, to establish a reserve for future estimated abandonment and site restoration costs Abandonment of the well 6) (1) Prior to the abandonment of any well, the holders of an authorization are bound to inform the Minister in writing of their intention to do so, in the case of a producing well, at least thirty days before the abandonment and, in the case of any other well, at least two days before the abandonment. Such written notice shall contain a detailed plan and a time-schedule for the abandonment and plugging of the well. (2) Subject to the terms of the Contract, the holder of an authorization may, upon the expiration of the relevant period specified in the notice referred to in paragraph (1), or upon receipt by the holder of an authorization of the written approval of the plan by the Minister as provided for in paragraph (1), whichever is earlier, commence the abandonment operations in relation to such well. (3) The holder of an authorization is bound to: plug such well with a view to avoiding p ollution and possible damage to the reservoir and, unless the Contract otherwise provides or the Minister otherwise decides, remove all equipment, materials and facilities relating thereto ) ensure that cemented strings or other forms of casing shall not be withdrawn except with the prior written approval of the Minister and ) permit an authorized officer to inspect such abandonment operations. REFERENCES Marc Hammerson, Upstream Oil and Gas, July 2011 Republic of Cyprus, The hydrocarbons (prospection, exploration and exploitation) regulations, 2007and 2009 Republic of Cyprus, The hydrocarbons (prospection, exploration and exploitation) law, 2007
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