Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde - 1822 Words
The Use of Space in Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886) is widely regarded as one of the most prominent works of Gothic fiction. The story has over the years become ingrained into the collective human consciousness, providing a cautionary, often-sensationalised tale of the mysteries of human nature and of our dual capacity of being simultaneously good and evil. As a genre, Gothic fiction is deeply complex and convoluted. Since its inception, it has come to encompass various forms, even divided into subgenres such as urban gothic, space gothic, post modern gothic, post colonial gothic and so on. However, no matter how varied the†¦show more content†¦This essay shall look at how the source of the horror in Stevenson’s Jekyll and Hyde emerged from the confines of the human mind. It shall look at how developments in the sciences of biology, psychology and criminology in the late 19th century helped inspire a new source of gothic horror: the depths of human consciousness. Duality in Mind and Space The fact that Stevenson chose to set his story in London, not his native city Edinburgh, says a lot about his desire to question the norms of society at that time. By the late 19th century, London had become one of the world’s greatest cities, the largest in terms of population and the centre of the British Empire and heart of global commerce and culture. In Stevenson’s novella however London is a city marred with social contradictions: on the one hand the excess of wealth and high Victorian respectability, and the other hand social and economic divides characterised with extreme poverty, exploitation, prostitution, and crime. Both sides inhabited the same space but had two completely separate entities. In the story, London retains the qualities of gothic spaces, the dark eerie castle passageways and dungeons now replaced by the fog covered narrow streets of Soho. As Utterson narrates: A great chocolate-colored pall lowered over heaven, but the wind was continually charging and routing these assembles vapours; so that as the cab crawled from street to street, Mr Utterson beheld a marvellous number of degrees and
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Is the Internet a New Medium Essay - 1101 Words
Internet as a medium has been a thoroughly discussed topic, especially in recent years with the rise of the World Wide Web. Analysis of relevant literature in the topic shows that the internet is not a new medium. This argument can be shown by looking more in depth into what defines a medium and what defines the internet. From that analysis by looking from a historical point of view the internet can be seen as an old medium which uses re-mediation to deliver content to users. The connection between internet and its users has helped the internet influence the way media is viewed today. Although the internet is not a new medium the content it presents is new. The advances in technology have helped the use of the internet reach new heights in†¦show more content†¦Now, the internet has blossomed into an all encompassing way to deliver content to users. The internet now helps connect the worlds computers in a very large network. Through the use of packet switching technologies th e internet now is a primary medium for many industries. The internet may be one of the newer widely used mediums, however by no means is it new. As of this the writing of this essay, the internet is almost half a century old. As time progressed, the internet applied a method of remediation and placed media from other mediums onto the internet to give give a similar yet refreshing view of media of old. Media on the internet is vast and diverse. This is in part due to advances in technology which digitise older forms of media and higher internet speeds which make it more readily available to the masses. Media on the internet can have originated from the internet or it can have been previously accessible on another medium then uploaded onto the internet. This is a process known a remediation. Remediation has helped the internet become an easily versatile and accessible medium. Remediation is the use of one mediums content (or media) in another. To find instances of this one can look at news articles, television shows and radio shows. All of these media which originated on other mediums of print, television and radio, now co-exist as news websites, video sharing websites and podcasts. This aspect of the internet makes it a mediumShow MoreRelated The Internet as a New Medium of Communication Essay1920 Words  | 8 PagesThe internet, a new medium of communication that allows us to communicate over large distances with an impressive outcome, the internet has improved long distance communication with its ever growing means of communicating. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Graduate Piano Recital at Indiana University free essay sample
Justine Bartlett Yearn Kim Concerto In D Minor, K. 466 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) I attended a Graduate Piano Recital at Indiana University Aura Concert Hall, which was performed by Justine Bartlett and co-play with Yearn Kim. I enjoyed listening to this beautiful piano music and it also impressed me a lot by watching these performers use their energy to play. The Concerto In D Minor Is a master work from Mozart and It has three movements during the whole piece.Mozart Is a talented Caucasian and his Piano Concerto in D minor K 466 is known as one of his most romantic works. Everything has a story, no exception to this concerto, the D Minor has a special meaning in old classics which is its dramatic sense that we wont always meet in major sound. This could explain why some parts of the music sound powerful. Before the music began I found out one Interesting thing which was two piano showed on stage and two players work together. We will write a custom essay sample on Graduate Piano Recital at Indiana University or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This Is my first time watching two Plano performers play together which was very excited. The first movement IsAllegro, with the starting of the melody I felt like that this is a hard part, one reason is the tempo is allegro so its not easy to correct if mistakes were made; the other reason is the dynamic changed a lot, it turned fast from soft to strong; and the last reason is the cooperation which made the performance harder because the tempo is fast once the performer Is distracted it will destroy the whole piece and the catch up also needs players really focused, By the way, the first movement seemed longer and faster than others It might because it has rarely repeated parts, and has medium strong rhythmic effect.Two people play together gave a lot impression to the audience and Improve the effects in deed. The second movement is more like song- like melody. The tempo is change between slow and medium fast, and the dynamic still has a lot turns. Its do like the name Romance, the melody is very romantic and gentle soft, makes me feel very comfortable. There are many p edal uses In this part; I can clearly saw Justine and Yearly their feet move softly on the pedal without any rushing at all, very gently.In the middle of the second part, the tempo, melody and dynamics had changed: the tempo is faster than the beginning, the dynamics came strong and the melody is still romantic but mix with intense emotion which gave a different understanding of this part. In my opinion, this part is easier than the first one but needs more passion to play, because In order to perform well at this part the player must really enjoy In the music by himself, and since there are two favorite in the whole piece; I like the romantic melody and the tempo; the dynamic they use also fits my taste even though there is a lot dynamic change.The way that soft and strong dynamics combined together gave me a sense of peace and a feeling f Joy. And when the performers play this movement, they are really into the music and following the melody. When there is some part that needs strong dynamic, they use lot energy to play and their body will move strong and when the dynamic is soft, their gesture are like flowing with the music and only do small moves. Allegro assai is the third movement in concerto D minor.This one has a totally different style compared with the second movement but has a little similarity with the first one. Since it began the melody was changed whic h surprised me at first because I was till with the motion of the last one and hadnt realized the third part started. At this piece, I found out the different positions that the two performers assigned, the lady freer was playing passionate part with fast speed I could even see her pace of stepping on the pedal increased quickly.And Justine part was also enthusiasm but had no lack of gentle, it might sound ridiculous but what Justine played was hard enough with in spite of his mild exterior which made his part sounds different than ferns. If they both play the same style than the whole piece would be very boring. Let me talk about my favorite part of performers. I really like one gesture that Yearn had in the performance which is when she finishes her part wait for Justine play she always nodding her head harshly to show us an ending gesture and her hair was like flying with wind falling down.However, I do not think this is an effective ending posture because when she moves her head too harsh then it is going to distract her attention might influence her next part. Anyway;ay, I think she did a grea t Job on this performance. Then, Justine turn, he was also doing great on using gestures and movements expressing him. He has a lot body movement and there was one part ally impressed me. He was playing a very passionate part and this part also needs lot pedal, in the most enthusiastic moment he was bowing his body too C gesture to play.I am not sure if its an effective posture but I like it. Yearn and Justine they both did well on controlling their bodies. Overall, the performers use postures and body movements to effective their performance. I enjoyed watching this recital and I like to see people using their energy to do things they are passionate with. The two performers gave me a good impression and the music gave me a sense of happiness.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus Essay Example
The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus Paper Daedalus, an ingenious Athenian craftsman, having murdered a potential rival, fled with his son Icarus to the island of Crete. There he was commissioned by King Minos to design a labyrinth as a place of confinement for the monster Minotaur. Daedalus contrived a labyrinth so intricate that escape from it was virtually impossible. By falling into disfavor with the king, Daedalus himself, along with his son Icarus, were eventually imprisoned there. Not to be outdone, the famous artificier, Daedalus explained to his son Icarus that, although their escape was checked by land and by sea, the open sky was free. He devised two pairs of wings, and father and son immediately took flight from Crete. Daedalus warned his impetuous son not to fly too high lest the heat of the sun melt the glue and his wings fall off. But Icarus, filled with a sense of power in his flight, disregarded his fathers commands and soon his wings, heated by the sun, fell off, and he plunged into the sea, the waters closing over him. Daedalus means the artful craftsman. He symbolizes mans inventiveness and is credited with other inventions, such as the ax and the saw, in addition to human flight. We will write a custom essay sample on The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Icarus, on the other hand, illustrates the dangers which beset human inventions. Daedalus and Icarus together indicate how contradictory and precarious is the human condition: we are both resourceful and very vulnerable. To rose above the earth is an ancient human dream or desire. You know something of birds and their migrations, of the history of human flight, of air travel and air raids, of rockets to the moon and air disasters, of the eagle that stands for national sovereignty and the dove which symbolizes purity of spirit. This is a fascinating and significant subject, but complex, difficult. In Joyces symbolic language, Dublin is a modern labyrinth, a place of confinement, from which Stephen must escape. To Stephen, the city represents a shabby, dusty world of restraint and spiritual paralysis. At times, Stephen is identified with the crafty inventor Daedalus (his namesake), and at other times, with Icarus, the ill-fated rebellious son. Think carefully about the several dimensions of the problem of human flight. There is more to it than saying we need airplanes for transportation and for military protection. Why, in your opinion, does man wish to rise above the earth? What is up there in the nature of man that makes him want to fly always farther and faster and higher? You may not be able to come up with final answers, but you should clarify in your own mind the lure and the dangers of flying, and you should be able to justify human flight.
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