Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Courage Mother and her Children critique Essay Example for Free
Mental fortitude Mother and her Children scrutinize Essay â€Å"Mother Courage and Her Children†by Bertolt Brecht occurred during the 30 Years’ War in Europe. The entire play spun around the endurance of a lower class family, attempting to live through the unforgiving war with their bottle cart business. Every scene in the play contained the variables of strict, trustworthiness, war, devotion, and family. The subject of â€Å"Mother Courage and Her Children†was maternity, because of the way that Mother Courage’s feeling of inhumane business caused her become unfit to ensure her kids, which prompted their demises, disregarding her everything at long last. Mother Courage was continually working together while every one of her kids kicked the bucket during the play. This shows she was more keen on her business and cash than her own kids, and a case of this can be seen when her hunger for cash had made Swiss pass on the grounds that she took too long to even think about deciding whether to exchange her cash for her son’s life. Mother Courage was the hero in the play, while the war was the adversary. The war caused Mother Courage to put together her living with respect to it. Because of the way that they were living during a war, this caused Mother Courage to be so centered around bringing in cash, that she wound up ignoring her youngsters. It additionally made her be not able to watch her little girl get hitched, since Kattrin could possibly get hitched when harmony returned and the war finished. War is likewise the enemy, because of the way that is additionally caused Mother Courage to lose her children also. The play was a disaster in light of the fact that in it, Mother Courage’s youngsters all died, and she was disregarded all at long last. In the play, Bretch alloted every one of Mother Courage’s kids with a â€Å"tragic flaw†because of her inability to figure out how to pick family over business. The disasters that Mother Courage’s kids endured all through the play were Swiss, with genuineness, Eilif, with pomposity, and Kattrin, with feel sorry for. Mother Courage needed to experience enduring of the demise of every one of her kids individually and couldn't take care of business. The arrangement of the play was a significant commitment to the play. The utilization of a proscenium stage was the best fit for this sort of play since it permitted the crowds to concentrate on the focal point of the phase where Mother Courage’s cart was. Mother Courage’s family consistently moved around. Nonetheless, their cart was as yet positioned at almost a similar spot on the stage, which tells the crowd that they were not moving anyplace in light of the fact that regardless of where they moved to, they despite everything confronted similar battles and difficulties. Despite the fact that the setting generally continued as before from scene toâ scene, foundations changed starting with one scene then onto the next, which permitted the crowd to realize that the scene was occurring in an alternate area. There was quite often a similar lighting all through the entire play. The main thing that changed about the lights was the brilliance; the lights were more splendid during the day and dimmer around evening time. There were a few bright lights. Be that as it may, it just showed up upon the entertainers who preceded every scene, so as to mention to the crowd what will occur in the up and coming scene. The lighting of â€Å"Mother Courage Mother and Her Children,†was not quite the same as the other play that I went to. Typically lights would go off while changing starting with one scene then onto the next, so characters had the option to jump on and off stage, so as to set up the set for the scene. Be that as it may, in this play, the lights were still on during scene advances. Bretch made pulling the cart all through the phase as an exit and enter for every scene, which didn’t require the on-screen characters to rapidly change settings for various scenes. The foundation sound of discharges and bombs that were playing all through the play permitted the crowd to feel as though the war was really occurring during the play. The shots sounded boisterous, causing the crowd to feel as though it was close by. Without the sounds, the crowd would not have had the option to feel the state of mind of the war. Hints of shots added more impacts to the state of mind of war, giving the crowd a the picture of how destructive the war was. The play was a melodic play, since there were numerous parts where Mother Courage and a few artists out of sight sang and played instruments. The passageway to the play was likewise a melody that communicated the mind-set and sentiment of the war. Mother fortitude sang in pretty much every scene, to communicate her sentiments. She likewise sang in the last piece of the play when Kattrin passed on. The outfits of the play mirrored the life of the characters in the play. The outfits didn't generally tell the timeframe in which the play occurred in light of the fact that the characters were simply wearing ordinary kinds of rustic garments that had numerous layers, and were appended with numerous bits of texture. The characters in the play had a similar outfit all through the entire play, and this outfit demonstrated their destitution, yet in addition the state of life during the war, because of the way that they couldn't have garments to change into. The numerous layers of garments worn were everything that the characters possessed, and this indicated their battles, because of the way that they can't accepting any new garments. By and large, the play was straightforward in light of the fact that it was in modern English and there were no highlight in the characters’ articulation, which permitted the crowd to comprehend what the characters were stating. Mother Courage battled for an amazing duration with her business and kids, yet wound up with nothing because of the war, wherein she was preferring. The war had brought Mother Courage the business she required, however removed her youngsters individually.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sir Robert Peel Paper Essays
Sir Robert Peel Paper Essays Sir Robert Peel Paper Essay Sir Robert Peel Paper Essay Paper Topic: Gatekeepers The activity of a cop is troublesome, it has advanced from only a standard individual with no experience and no uniform that kept watch of live stock by strolling around evening time with fire lights to a person that should have the option to work under tension watching the avenues of our networks in regalia with a checked vehicle and also to get salary for their administrations. Police has advanced extra time; in this paper I will depict the effect of Sir Robert Peel on the development of policing and its history. Sir Robert Peel Paper Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850) refreshed Englands criminal code. He set up the main present day police power in London, whose individuals were nicknamed after him bobbies. Sir Robert Peel needed a police power that would furnish residents with â€Å"the full and complete assurance of the law†andâ€Å"check the expansion of wrongdoing. †Sir Robert Peel pushed through the enactment a demonstration called the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829, in this way ready to achieve his fantasy about making a police power. Under the term of the Metropolitan Act of 1829 the London Metropolitan Police was shaped, it was one thousand individuals solid and all individuals were effectively perceived because of their garbs that included blue covers and top caps. Sir Robert Peel’s â€Å"bobbies†had four explicit working methods of reasoning; the first was to lessen pressure and struggle between law authorization officials and the general population, the subsequent one was to utilize peacefulness implies in keeping the harmony, consequently the bobbies didn't convey guns, the third one was to assuage the military from specific obligations, for example, controlling urban viciousness, and the fourth one was to be decided on the nonattendance of wrongdoing as opposed to through high-perceivability of police activities. The out happen to this was fruitful to the point that it was before long executed in littler towns in England and the United States there after. Adhering to the American Revolution law requirement almost duplicated the English framework. Constables, night guardians, and sheriffs were delegated; the job of the sheriff wasâ law authorization and the fear of hoodlums, serving warrants and summons and keeping up the neighborhood correctional facilities. The sheriff’s duties stretched out past law implementation and it included gathering assessments and checking the arrangement of steers marking. American metropolitan territories started to frame responsive watch units. In 1833, Philadelphia turned into the principal city to utilize both day and night gatekeeper, following that and working from Sir Robert Peel’s model, Boston framed the primary composed police office, comprising o six full-time officials. As the historical backdrop of police advanced in the United States you can partitioned police history into 3 distinct ears. Kelling and Moore (1991) portrays the times as, one; the Political Era, two; the Reform Era, and three; the Community Era. During the Political Era (1840-1930) many cops considered their to be as chances to make additional salary. Pay off was normal; a cop would demand â€Å"favors†which went into the cops pockets or into the coffers of the neighborhood ideological group as commitments. The Political Era additionally observed cops playing a functioning job in offering social types of assistance for their bosses’. †(1) Politicians acknowledged they can draw in more votes by offering social administr ations to residents than by capturing them. In 1929 President Herbert Hoover named the national Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement to evaluate the American criminal equity framework. The Wickersham Commission was made and was named after its executive, George Wickersham. The commission concentrated on two zones of American policing that needed change: one; police ruthlessness and two; the undermining impact of governmental issues. This was the point at which the Reform Era appeared. As per the commission â€Å"the change should happen through higher staff gauges, unified police organizations, and the expanded utilization of technology†(2) During the Reform Era, police boss assumed greater responsibility for their areas of expertise, adding midlevel positions to the power. Police boss likewise attempted to reinforce their capacity by bringing bigger zones of a city under their influence; this would not permit negative impacts from lawmakers or neighborhoods. At long last, the Community Era wherein we are at present in; the Omnibus Crime Control Act assumes a significant job, under this demonstration the national government furnishes state and neighborhood police offices with assets to make police-network programs. A case of a program is official inviting referral activities, this program urge residents to go to the police with their wrongdoing concerns. The essential capacity of the police is to keep on controlling wrongdoing while at the same time giving a more extensive scope of social administrations a portion of the strategies they us can incorporate foot watch or advertising, this will permit the official to associate with the network. Therefore, to days police duties incorporate, one; to authorize laws, two; to offer support, three; to forestall wrongdoing, and four; to protect the harmony. Reference Law Enforcement in the 21st Century, Second Edition, by Heath B. Award and Karen J. Terry. Section 2 1) Mark H. Haller, â€Å"Chicago Cops, 1890-1925,†in Thinking about Police, ed. Carl Klockars and Stephen Mastrofski (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990),90. 2) William J. Bopp and Donald O. Shultz, A Short History of American Law Enforcement (Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas, 1977), 109-110. Nice occupation on the paper and you secured the entirety of the focuses with greatness. Full credit of 5 focuses. On your references, don't number them, simply put in sequential order request.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
10 Ways to Fight Test Anxietyand Win!
10 Ways to Fight Test Anxietyâ€"and Win! (0) Ugh, tests. Taking them is a part of school life, but the test anxiety is real. Still, they are pretty important in determining things like grades, class placements, and even graduate school admissions. Using these tips to overcome your test stress will leave you more confident in tackling whatever assessment comes your way. Here are a few tips to help! Do you have a research paper due? Are you stressed about potentially being flagged for accidental plagiarism? Try the EasyBib Plus grammar and plagiarism checker for help reviewing your paper before you turn it in. While there, you can also read our grammar guides to brush up on the basics of verbs, pronouns, and other parts of speech. Before the test: 1. Establish a steady study routine If you have a big exam, there is no better way to boost your confidence than to know without a doubt that you have a good grasp on the material. Make a study plan early and stick to it! It’ll help you make it through all of the content that will be on your test, leaving time for practice tests. 2. Ask your instructors for help Professors are often open to helping students before exams. They typically hold office hours or review sessions, and you can usually email them if you’re struggling with a concept. Asking for general advice for creating a focused study plan can be a good idea, too. Many schools often have special resources for bigger tests like the GRE or the MCAT as well. 3. Take care of yourself A big part of test performance has to do with how your body is feeling. This means that getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising are all practices that can help you on test day and reduce your anxieties. 4. Practice mindfulness If a test has you majorly stressed out, try practicing mindfulness. This means taking a moment before the exam to meditate, focusing on your body and clearing your mind. There are even many apps that you can download to help you incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine! 5. Make sure you are prepared The day before an exam, gather all of your materials and ensure that you know the exact testing location. Take a walk there if you have never been before, and become familiar with the environment. Organize everything you will need, like pens or a watch, and make sure that things like calculators have batteries and work correctly. During the test: 6. Think about time management. Make sure you are pacing yourself during the exam. Often, students become stressed at the end of exams when they realize that they do not have enough time to finish answering every question. Keeping track of how much time you have throughout the exam will help you finish with fewer troubles. 7. Keep water and gum nearby Drinking or chewing on something during an exam can help to relieve stress. Water will help you stay hydrated and be refreshing, and gum can allow you to relieve some tension while you’re working. 8. Take a break if necessary If it is a long exam, such as a course final examination, you will probably have more time than you need to finish. If you feel yourself getting tired and need a break for a minute, go to the restroom or take a quick walk to re-energize. 9. Check your work Taking a moment to go back through your work can allow you to leave the exam with a clear picture of how you did, and it will ensure that you didn’t make any silly mistakes that you didn’t intend to make. Even if you only have five minutes, quickly skimming your answers can really help with post-test confidence. After the test: 10. Rest! You’ve earned it! Even if you don’t feel that you did perfectly, it’s good to rest your body and not worry too much about the exam. If you really feel that the exam was really hard even after a lot of preparation, there could be a low mean score, making your relative performance better than you thought. Don’t stress, and be proud of the work that you put into the exam. Test anxiety is normal, but don’t let it control you. Read through these tips before your big day, and use them to control your worries before, during, and after your exam. For citation help, should be your first stop! You’ll find help with MLA citation format, APA citations, creating an MLA annotated bibliography, and much more!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Geicos Modified Rhetorical Approach - 1226 Words
Geico’s Modified Rhetorical Approach Geico Insurance Company is known for using humorous and absurd mascots as a main selling point in their advertisements. Mascots that Geico has used in the past include the infamous Geico gecko, with the mysterious accent and the Geico caveman who seemed to be a jack-of-all-trades. Geico has recently taken a new approach to advertising their insurance. Authors of Geico commercials have recently introduced their newest mascot, Mike McGlone, a well-known actor, to play the role of pompous reporter. Through the use of their new character, Geico is able to able to reach their target audience of anyone that is uninsured by Geico. Geicos new technique of advertising is based on a heavy use of the pathos appeal to play on the audience’s emotions while using lesser amounts of ethical and logical appeals. This new strategy has proven to be a very effective method of marketing. The Geico commercial takes place in a dentist’s office where a dentist is performing a cleaning for a patient while watching television. When a Geico Commercial appears on the TV, the dentist is seemed surprised to hear that, â€Å"15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on car insurance†. The patient in the room responded as if the information was common knowledge and that a majority of people would be aware of Geico’s 15-minute ad. The patient comment acted as a confirmation to validate Geico’s mission statement. The educated dentist felt foolish in front of his patient
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Cyberbullying And Its Effects On Society - 860 Words
Cyberbullying is any bullying that takes place with the use of electronic technology; cell phones, computers, social media, texting, and other electronic methods of communication. Cyberbullying typically happens to teenagers, when it happens to an adult is considered cyber-harassment or cyberstalking. Cyberbullying is different than in person bullying because it can happen anytime, victims find it hard to escape, the bully can be anonymous, and the bully can be anywhere in the world. Children who are being cyberbullied are also most likely being bullied in person. There are many different types of cyberbullying. Harassing someone through texting, instant messaging, and emails. Posting rumors or embarrassing information on the internet.†¦show more content†¦If a child is the bully they may become increasingly aggressive, get sent to the principle more often, or even have friends who are bullies. Children who are less popular and who have less friends are more at risk of being bullied. Being different is also a contributing factor. Bullies in some cases have been bullied themselves in the past or are having trouble at home. Kids who are bullied are more likely to have depression and anxiety, complain about their health, and have lower grades. They are also more likely to drop out of school and have suicidal thoughts. While not every kid who is bullied will be suicidal, minorities are the most likely; American Indians, Asian Americans, Native Americans, African Americans, and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) youth. Even kid s who just witness bullying are more likely to be depressed, skip school, and use drugs and alcohol. According to Cyberbullying statistics from the i-SAFE foundation and the Cyberbullying Research Center, over half of teenagers experience some type of cyberbullying, and 20 percent said that they experience it regularly. Because over 80 percent of teenagers use their cell phone regularly, it is the most common method for cyberbullying. More than half of young people do not tell their parents that they are being cyberbullied, and according to the Harford County Examiner, less than 1 in 5 cyberbullying occurrences are reported to the police. Sometimes there are case of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Status of the Company Free Essays
Running Head: AVON PRODUCTS, INC. 1 1. Provide a brief description of the status of the company that led to its determination that a change was necessary. We will write a custom essay sample on The Status of the Company or any similar topic only for you Order Now Avon Products, Inc. (Avon) is a 122 year old company whose primary focus is on the economic empowerment of women around the world. Basically, the organization is a leader in direct distribution of cosmetics, fragrances and skin care products. Prior to and including the year 2005, the company was considered to be a very successful company operating in over 40 countries with 70% of its revenue from outside of the United States. Its growth rate on profit margin was outstanding. In 2006, the company found itself in a declining state in revenue and profits. The company’s direct-selling business was taking on great costs for a number of reasons including global legal restrictions and some dissatisfaction of the company’s representatives. Since Avon’s reliance is on its direct-selling, the earnings and representative satisfaction are essential for the success of the business. The underlying factor along with other contributing causes was that Avon had grown faster than portions of its infrastructure and talent could support. The structure, people and processes that support a $5 billion company were not necessarily a good support for the $10 billion company. In the process of reviewing its talent practices the talent management team was able to identify six areas of missing or poorly functioning talent processes. The weaknesses that were found in Avon’s existing talent practices were listed 1) opaque; 2) egalitarian; 3) complex; 4) episodic; 5) emotional; and 6) meaningless. 2. Identify the model for change theory typified in the case study of your choice. Discuss what led you to identify the model that you did. Faced with the challenges of its flattening revenues and declining operating profits, Avon’s CEO restructured the organization and significant changes were made. As the changes began, it was found that Avon had some issues with its talent, both with the existing talent and with the company’s ability to identify and produce talent. The change model in the Avon case was the 360-degree feedback assessment tool. According to Silzer Dowell (2010), the rise of 360-degree feedback assessments encouraged greater use of competency models built specifically around leadership behaviors. Silzer Dowell (2010) go on to say that â€Å"organizations soon had lists of the leadership behaviors they expected from their managers,†which was the case with Avon. Avon was found to be opaque. As such, the talent practices within the organization were not known to the managers or to the associates. The resulting change was that of new practices and a re-making of the existing practices to become more transparent except for when there were confidentiality concerns. Another weakness that existed with Avon’s talent practices was that the company was egalitarian and needed to turn around the quality of its talent. Once this was understood, Avon made a change to differentiate its investment in its talent. This allowed for the company to better match the effectiveness of its talent investment with the expected return since before the turnaround the high performers were not engaged and the low performers were not managed very effectively. Avon’s level of complexity in its talent management practices was another noted weakness. Quality talent was not grown as quickly as was needed by the company so Avon simplified its talent process to ensure a balanced process. Employee surveys and talent reviews were performed episodically. Decisions concerning promotions and other objectives were more or less influenced by as much by individual knowledge and emotion as by objective facts. The turnaround that was made here was that relationships became stronger and as the business grew, leaders know of other’s performance or development needs and used this factor in determining talent management. Finally, meaningless talent practices such as Human Resources professionals not being able to answer most of the basic questions posed by managers about talent practices and there was not existing accountability. With the new talent practices, questions were answered and talent reviews were done and notations of progress were made. This was indication that effective communication had begun to take place. In this case, feedback was helpful and resulted in changed behaviors and overall things were done differently. According to Silzer Dowell (2010) as leadership concepts and education gained greater currency, it became clear that the followers (subordinates) of leaders should share their views on their leader’s effectiveness. Greater use of this model encouraged greater use of competency models built around leadership behaviors. 3. Illustrate the types of evaluation information that were collected and how they are used to benefit the company. As stated earlier, Avon faced challenges of flattening revenues and declining operating profits. Regarding this situation there were many contributing causes. One underlying issue was that Avon had grown faster than portions of its infrastructure and talent could support (Goldsmith, Carter, 2010, p. 2). Avon’s structure, including people and processes, had grown from that of a company with $5 billion in revenues to that of a company with $10 billion in revenues. With this growth Avon’s structure was no longer a good fit and was in need of a turnaround. To begin the process of turning the business around, the talent management group (TM) started by requesting copies of the 360-degree assessment of each VP, not to take any action against anyone, but to gain more knowledge about the behavioral information of the top leaders. Every enterprise must build knowledge into its value proposition. Knowledge cannot be separated but needs to be an explicit part of everything about an enterprise†(Edersheim, 2007, p. 189). The 360-degree feedback is a performance measurement which involves rating individuals on work-related behaviors. According to Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright (2011), there are benefits of the 360-degree feedback. Organizations collect multiple perspective s of managers’ performance, allowing employees to compare their own personal evaluations with the views of others. The request for the 360-degree assessment was denied citing confidentiality. This matter was addressed and a new and simpler 360-degree assessment process was designed and implemented which now allowed for the disclosure of behavioral information to be used when making decisions relative to promotions and assignments. The new process aided in making the talent process less complex and more transparent The performance management form within Avon was a ten page long form and many of the associates had not had a review in a number of years. With the turnaround process, Associates were now aligned with a different set of goals and could expect fair rewards. More value was added to the process because now managers had a simpler tool to use and it allowed them to manage their teams more effectively. Prior to the turnaround at Avon, accountability for talent practices was non-existent. With the implementation of the new process, it was believed that the focus could be on people issues and that mangers could be held accountable for the improvement thereof. Further, Associates were empowered to hold the managers accountable and to inform Human Resource leaders if things were not happening. The issues concerning accountability were applied such that talent management was the responsibility of the leaders within the organization and in keeping with Avon’s culture. 4. Speculate about success of the changes within the next five (5) years and how adjustments could be made if the results become less than ideal. The talent practices at Avon had some weaknesses which were addressed during a year to a year and a half turnaround period. This process after turnaround saw great effective improvements in the talent practices. The most noticeable changes were in the areas of clear goal setting, feedback, development planning, and people effectiveness. As the talent management process has become simpler and more transparent at Avon, the development of leaders is now on a faster track. The work experience is also improved having made leaders more accountable for their behaviors. The effectiveness of the new process has contributed to Avon’s goals of reducing expenses and increasing revenue. It is expected that Avon will continue to grow and with the updated talent practices, better leaders will be developed faster and those leaders must continue with the development and growth of potential new leaders. This process is expected to continue and Avon will stay on track in achieving its goals for continued success. It is important that the vision of the organization is continuously communicated. According to Bates (n. d. ) many leaders fail to get their messages across even though they are intelligent, analytical, and decisive leaders. Human resource professionals know that the consequences are serious if leaders cannot successfully communicate a vision. Executives have to motivate and inspire, or they will fail. One role of HR professionals is to recognize when there is an issue and help leaders develop this skill. References Bates, S. (n. d. ). Communicating vision: How HR professionals can help leaders articulate big ideas and get people moving in one direction. Retrieved 11/03/12 from http://www. hrcrossing. com/article/270140 Edersheim, E. H. (2007). The definitive Drucker. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Goldsmith, M. , Carter, Louis. (2010). Best practices in talent management: how the world’s leading corporations manage, develop, and retain top talent. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer Noe, R. A. , Hollenbeck, J. R. , Gerhart, B. , Wright, P. M. (2011). Fundamentals of human resource management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Silzer, R. , Dowell, B. E. (2010). Strategy-driven talent management: A leadership imperative. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. How to cite The Status of the Company, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Cyclical nature of the play Essay Example For Students
Cyclical nature of the play Essay The structure and pattern of Act One is a template for the rest of the play and reflects the cyclical nature of the play as a whole. In each Act, with each character, the Inspector outlines the events involving each family member, shows a photograph to the relevant family member which leads the character to confess to their misdeeds. Act One begins with this chain of events; the Birlings feeling self-satisfied, the next stage is that they are then upset by the Inspector, then the Inspector leaves and the Birlings return to feeling self-satisfied. The play closes with an inspector calling to bring the cycle full circle.  That was the Police; a girl has just died on her way to the Infirmary after drinking some disinfectant. And a police inspector is on his way here to ask some questions. There is a dramatic mood change during Act One, brought on by the arrival of the inspector. Priestleys stage directions regarding the lighting reflect this, The lighting should be pink and intimate until the Inspector arrives, and then it should be brighter and harder. This change in lighting represents the idea that before the arrival of the Inspector, the Birlings were seeing the world through rose-tinted-glasses (only seeing the nicer side of life, things they wanted to see) whereas when the inspector arrives the truth is revealed and reality kicks in. There are no longer any shadows to hide the Birlings from their inconsiderate acts. Another of Priestleys messages seems to be that there is hope for the future. On seeing how they have affected the life of Eva Smith, both Sheila and Eric act remorsefully. The character of Sheila is fairly caring at the beginning of the play, but as events unravel, and Sheila realises her guilt, her character develops from a fairly naive young girlish character to a more mature, understanding person. This change is so dramatic that to compare the Sheila who at the end of the play has taken to heart the Inspectors lessons, I remember what he said, how he looked, and what he made me feel. Fire and blood and anguish., with the Sheila who had a young girl fired from her job because of her own personal paranoia and who acted so differently earlier, you would think they were different people. This is similar to a comparison made between the drunken, playful Eric of Act One with the sober serious Eric at the end of Act Three who has learned that his own mother played a major role in driving the woman bearing his child to suicide The older generation, however, fail to change their views representing the fact that they are set in their ways. Mr and Mrs Birling are all too happy to dismiss the evenings events as false once the chance appears that the Inspector may not have been a police Inspector. The senior Birlings are the examples of the people who will be taught through Fire and blood and anguish. They will only learn through their own foolish mistakes. This is very different to the reactions of younger generation who are disturbed and moved by the Inspectors visit and comments. You seem to have made a great impression on this child Inspector comments Birling. The Inspector answers this comment with the statement We often do on the young ones. Theyre more impressionable. This implies that Priestley is trying to say that there is potential for change in the young ones which is not as evident in the older generation. The play An Inspector Calls is set in 1912 but was written in 1945. Edwardian society at that time (1912) was strictly divided into social classes and over two-thirds of the nations wealth was in the hands of less than one percent of the population. Below the very rich were the middle classes (doctors and merchants, shop workers and clerks), after that came the craftsmen and skilled workers. At the very bottom of the social ladder was the largest class of all the ordinary workers and the poor, many of whom lived below the poverty level. The men of industry treated the workers very badly and they were paid a pittance. This caused workers to become better organised and strikes were becoming more frequent as they demanded better conditions and higher pay. .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a , .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a .postImageUrl , .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a , .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a:hover , .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a:visited , .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a:active { border:0!important; } .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a:active , .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u22d62a130993fd3b94e0e9e87a999c2a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Romeo and Juliet: What is the dramatic significance of Act 3, Scene 1? EssayAct One presents the audience with Priestleys understanding of the middle classes, of this time, through the life of the Birlings, very accurately, and sets the stage for this moralistic mystery to be played out. J.B. Priestley was writing the play for a middle class audience and was trying to speak up for the working class by showing how the Birlings and Gerald Croft were all involved in making a young working class girls life a misery. Priestley wants to show us that we have a responsibility to others to act fairly and without prejudice and that we do not live in isolation. Our actions affect oth ers. This is the concept of collective responsibility. Priestley says, things could really improve if only people were to become more socially responsible for the welfare of others. We have to confront our mistakes and learn from them Act One begins the process of inspection into beliefs and morals for both the audience and the characters. In my opinion, in the writing of this play, Priestleys aim was to make us think, to make us question our own characters and beliefs. He wanted to show us that we can change, and we can decide which views we side with. He wanted us to ask ourselves if we wanted to be a Sheila or a Sybil, an Eric or an Arthur. Priestley wanted the audience to learn from the mistakes of the Birlings. Priestley wanted to make a difference in the way people think. The play gives the audience and society as a whole, time to change their actions towards others. That is, before an Inspector calls on you, to warn you that if the lesson is not learnt, it will be taught in blood and fire and in anguish.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Stock Analysis free essay sample
This section of my analysis includes descriptive statistics, charts, tables, correlation analysis, ration analysis and financial statement analysis during the period of which the data is collected. Moreover, I’ve tried to align the numerical data to the practical events and consequences that I’ve been studying during the period, which might help to make better evaluation. Descriptive Statistics and Financial Analysis From January 18-th to March 2-nd the stock has been growing constantly from 427USD to 544USD (average), and the difference between the mean and median for this period is relatively low which is a good indication. The core of the Apple’s operation is the innovation based new products, but the newly introduced IPAD did not satisfy the customer’s and experts’ expectation. On the 13-th of February their stock price exceeded 500USD for the first time. Financial Statement Analysis Financial Statements analyzed for this assignment includes Unaudited Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flow and Income Statement that are downloaded from http://investor. We will write a custom essay sample on Stock Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page apple. com/financials. cfm. (APPENDIX II) In January 18, 2011, Apple announced financial results for its fiscal 2011 first quarter ended December 25, 2010. The Company posted record revenue of $26. 74 billion and record net quarterly profit of $6 billion, or $6. 43 per diluted share. These results compare to revenue of $15. 68 billion and net quarterly profit of $3. 38 billion, or $3. 67 per diluted share, in the year-ago quarter. Gross margin was 38. 5 percent compared to 40. 9 percent in the year-ago quarter. International sales accounted for 62 percent of the quarter’s revenue. Combining the financial statement numbers with the real number of devices and laptops they sold, would give clear understanding of how they generate the revenue and what is the basis of the growth. Apple sold 4. 13 million Macs during the quarter, a 23 percent unit increase over the year-ago quarter. The Company sold 16. 24 million iPhones in the quarter, representing 86 percent unit growth over the year-ago quarter. Apple sold 19. 45 million iPods during the quarter, representing a seven percent unit decline from the year-ago quarter. The Company also sold 7. 33 million iPads during the quarter. Their total liabilities is 3 times less than their total assets which indicates how healthy their operations is. Ratio Analysis This section will include financial ratio analysis for Apple as well as provide forecasted financial statements for the upcoming ten years. The ratios will supply the overall profitability, liquidity (short-term solvency), and capital structure (long-term solvency) for Apple. The major purpose of using financial data in ratio form is making the results comparable across firms and over time by controlling for size. After computing the selected ratios, we will be able to compare Apple to its top competitors within the technology industry, and against the overall industry average. Analysis of these ratios is important to numerous parties, but for our purposes, it will provide information not so easily derived or transparent in the financial statements. According to Appendix III, their inventory turn-over ration is 67. 4, which measures the inventory management efficiency of their business. The ratio is relatively high which may result in loss of sales due to inventory shortage which does not often happen for Apple Inc. But based on the circumstances related to the Foxxconn, inventory shortage may face the corporation. Risk Analysis Looking at the data I’ve collected for this assignment, I’d definitely say that Apple stock is well work to purchase. But there were ups and downs until their stock finally reached 500 for the very first time. There was a lot to do with leadership that defines the path of the company which makes it distinguished from the others. For trading purposes, Apple stock would definitely increase to the certain point in the next couple of months but after that It might stabilize. But for investors Apple Inc. is still the best innovative IT company in the world. The reason why stock rate might stabilize is that newly introduced IPAD and IPHONE didn’t satisfy customers’ and experts expectation for one step ahead innovation. So there is a clear doubt that how many people would replace their IPHONE 4 and IPAD 2 to the newly presented products with almost the same features. In addition their BETA rate is 1. 04 on average which is lower than Apple’s main competitors Samsung, Sony or Dell. And it clearly has better ratios and other financial facts compared to those. So Apple Inc’s stock is not risk free, but would be a good investment just for a certain period of time. Conclusion The most interesting thing about Apple is how they are very innovative and early adapters. Apple is usually the first company to come out with a new product line before anyone else. This is very risky but it is one of their main characteristics. A large portion of Apple’s fate comes from cash flow and professional trading activity that are directly attached to their product sales. As long as they apply innovative technologies in their products and make sure their products satisfies customers’ demand they would still be on the top of the industry. Appendixes
Friday, March 6, 2020
Fogdog Essay Example
Fogdog Essay Example Fogdog Essay Fogdog Essay Donna De Verona represented women, but there Is no Information about her contribution to the company aside from her probable media connections. Id rather recommend inviting to the board more outside directors to make the decision-making process unbiased and transparent. The separation of the roles of the Chairman and CEO is one more condition that I would remain unchanged. The dominance of venture capitalist Investors has turned to be a complete failure for the company. As, on the one hand, they were passive and not willing to participate in strategic management. Investors dont take responsibility for the companys operations, they are merely participate in the profits. Venture capitalists were over-committed In terms of the number of board seats they held, which limited the amount of time they could spend with any one company [Case, p. 1 | On the other hand, when they faced the risk of losing capital and not reaching short-term profitability, they were not able to consider allowing the management team to proceed accomplishing their long-term plan, thus leading the company to the end of Its Independent existence. Its a Coos responsibility to nominate the board members, and shareholders have to appoint the nominees. So they equally can be blamed for the company not possessing the most effective board possible. : Moreover, Its a Tim Harrington fault n letting the board behave passively, as it was convenient for him to make strategic decisions practically alone. To draw the conclusion, to execute best practice board and composition It Is necessary to: Increase the number of outside directors (non-affiliated Leave the separation of Chairman and CEO; Reduce the number of PVC investors; Invite directors with extensive knowledge of product, of rapidly changing environment, with proved reputation and willingness to contribute to the long-term success of the company. . Two month before the crucial meeting it became clear for management team that there was not enough cash to achieve profitability: Fog needed an additional $15 million to $20 million. That was not possible due to the extremely tight financial environment for Internet companies at that time. [Case, p. 101 Tim Harrington and his team tried to work on the first option, determined by the board of directors, in order to save the company, wh ich included the amendment of Dustless model to conclave pronto TTY slung ten scans available. I nee consolable TN partnership with brick-and-mortar retailers as one of the ways out. One of the estates, I think, was the companys concentration on attracting capital. The CEO could have foreseen that challenging business climate would affect dramatically Fogs performance, and could put at least half of his forces to adopt to it. Besides this, as Ralph Sparks noticed, and I cant but agree with him, the operating expenses were too high, so that it was difficult for a company to show net income. Another mistake was in missing the opportunity to establish brick-and-mortar partnership, while the conditions were more favorable for Fog. Nevertheless, it can be said, hat Tim and his management team did a great work on revision of the Fogs business plan to amend it to reach profitability in the long run. Tim thought, that it was better to ask for forgiveness than beg for permission, because he didnt believe that anyone in the board besides him was able to make a substantive decision. He pretended to know the company and its needs best. He saw that the board lacks commitment and stimulus but, as a leader, made no attempt to correct the situation. As it was already mentioned, it seemed convenient to him to be responsible to make decision with no interference from the passive board. Thus if anything goes wrong he can ask for forgiveness, but he was self-confident and was sure that his direction is the right one. This overconfidence made harm to Fog, notwithstanding the fact, that Tim Harrington can be considered a respectable CEO. Moreover, the members didnt appreciate Times self-confidence in making decisions although his work was directed on a long-term success of a company. 3. As a venture capitalist Im interested to see the return of my investment. The long- term results about which CEO speaks every time are quite questionable and uncertain, as I see that the situation is getting worse every minute. And the evidence or it is the dramatically reduction of Fogs stock price from its $1 1 offering price per share in December, 1999, to less than $1 in the end of August. Concerning the financial environment affecting the Internet companies (and Fog is not the exception), it becomes too risky for a company to survive alone. I am quite anxious about shareholders interests, because as a board member, its my duty to make sure that nothing threatens their deserved benefit. It is too much obvious that it would be better to sell the company (and receive 0. 135 of a share of Global Sports common stock for each share [9]) rather that observe how it decays.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Competitive and Strategic Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Competitive and Strategic Analysis - Essay Example Answer 1(b) Home Depot is known for developing strategies based on the strategic management techniques and principles. Some of the important polices of Home Depot based on strategic management techniques are as follows: The product policies of the company are facilitated by merchandising transformation and development of portfolio strategy. These are triggered by innovation, value and assortment. The company has laid emphasis on interconnected retail strategy which provided seamless shopping opportunity to the customers. The sustainability integration system of Home Depot is a forum which reports measuring of the output produced and also highlights the wide range of sustainability options available for Home Depot (â€Å"Employee Self-Service (ESS) Welcome†). Answer 1(c) The mission of Home Depot is to provide excellent customer service by offering a diversified range of environment friendly innovative products and also advices customers on how to use the product to deriv e maximum advantages. Some of the important short and long term goals and objectives of Home Depot would be as follows: To bring an increase in the sales of the CFL light bulbs and the recharge batteries as they are easily recyclable. The company plans to increase the sales of the CFL bulbs from 1.6 to 3.0 million. The management of Home Depot plans to increase the sales growth by 2.0 to 2.5 percent in each store of each region. The major objective of this plan would be to increase the gross and operating margin expansion in each and every store. To increase the number of store layout by 2 percent in regions of Canada, America, Mexico and China and generate earnings more than 2.6 billion in each region during the tenure 2013 to 2014. Answer 2(a) The traditional roles of board of directors would be as follows: Active involvement and participation of the directors in decision making To check whether the accounting practices are being adhered according to the standards lay down by the accounting boards like International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) and International Accounting Standard Board (IASB). To ensure that the financial activities do comply with the Sarbanes Oxley act and other legal requirements. To be consulted in decision making related to matters like appointment of personnel, developing compensation system and also checking the work of the internal and external auditors (Fielding 110). Selecting the new personnel for board of directors (Fielding 200). Answer 2(b) Dealing with corporate governance issue requires the cooperation from the stakeholders, shareholders and the management. Corporate governance in Home Depot often deals with the frequent conflicts that arise in the meetings among the boards of directors and the management. The annual meetings often witness frequent conflicts that arise out of differences in opinion concerning managerial decision making. Presently, the management of Home Depot is trying to incorporate theories like sta keholder theory and Agency theory which focuses on the improvement in the relationship between boards of directors and the management. Home Depot is engaged in several community development activities which benefit the community, society and also increase the goodwill of the company. One of the most recent activities meant for the betterment for the entire
Monday, February 3, 2020
BRIEF OF CASE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
BRIEF OF CASE - Essay Example The petitioner appeals but the Court of Special Appeals concludes that the Circuit court’s decision in favor of the Bank is legally correct. FACTS: The plaintiff Jeff E. Messing sued the Bank of America in court for refusal of a cash withdrawal over the counter through a check drawn on the bank because of the bank’s Thumbprint Signature Program for non-customers. Under the Thumbprint Signature Program, a bank requests non-customer presenters of checks over the counter to place an ‘‘inkless’’ thumbprint or fingerprint on the face of the check as part of the identification process. HOLDING:  § 3-501b (2) and (3). (2)Upon demand of the person to whom presentment is made, the person making presentment must (1) exhibit the instrument, (2) give reasonable identification and, if presentment is made on behalf of another person reasonable evidence of authority to do so, and (3) sign a receipt on the instrument for any payment made or surrender the instrument if full payment is made. (3)Without dishonoring the instrument, the party to whom presentment is made may (1) return the instrument for lack of a necessary indorsement, or (2) refuse payment or acceptance for failure of the presentment to comply with the terms of the instrument, an agreement of the parties or other applicable law or rule. RATIONALE: The reduction of risk promotes the expansion of commercial practices, bringing to the conclusion the direction of  § 1-102 (2) (b) that a bank’s requirement of a thumbprint placed upon a check presented over the counter by a non-customer is
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Isadora Duncan And Modern Dance Drama Essay
Isadora Duncan And Modern Dance Drama Essay During twentieth century, there was a new dance form that was appearing in American, which was modern dance. It was to have a significant influence on the dance education. Modern dance has broken the rule of classical ballet. The theme of modern dance works might encompass Greek mythology; Ancient or modern poetry or other literary works; American folklore and legendry; major social issues; interpersonal relationships approached psychoanalytically; historical events; or, simply, abstract and lyrical works that had no theme or story line. (Kraus, Richard. Page, 114) Modern dance beginning with Isadora Duncan,(Kraus, Richard. Page, 112) she believed that dance should come from and be an expression of the spirit, inspired by nature; anything else was stilted and artificial. (Brown, Jean Morrison. Page, 7) Isadora Duncan was born in San Francisco, California in 1876. (Foster, Susan Leigh. Page, 116) Her family was artistic, her mother taught music, and young Isadora studied ballet. (Kraus, Richard. Page, 116) According to Richard Kraus, Isadora began to give dancing lessons at an early age. At the age of eighteen, she left for Chicago; Huang 2 then she gave concerts in New York at the Carnegie Hall in Greek vases and statuary. (Kraus, Richard. Page, 117) However, she soon broke away from the classic dance form, which did not suit her spirit. (Kraus, Richard. Page, 116) Isadora Duncan proclaimed a new era of dance beginning in 1903. (Foster, Susan Leigh. Page, 145) Her first appearance in Russia, in 1905, stimulated a controversy between the traditional balletomanes and critics and those who proposed reform of the ballet. (Kraus, Richard. Page, 117) Duncans choreographic vision did not depend as much on an understanding of Greek culture or mythology as on her conception of the Greeks ideas about the soul and the body. (Forster, Susan Leigh. Page, 145) She danced barefoot in simple, Greek tunics and scarves, and threw away the dancers costume, such as corsets, tutus, and ballet slippers at that period. Therefore, her performance was not in the sense of characterization and told a story. At that time, people took the Greek idea of perfection of body line, the gesture of classical ballet was limited and rigidly, such as feet turn out and arms holding position, controlling legs and turns in the air, or dancing on the pointes. Duncan reproached the classical ballerina with a false consciousness of the mechanical origin of movement that ballet was not only wrong about the body, it was unsyntactical, noncumulative, each action was an end, and no movement, pose or rhythm was successive or could be made to evolve succeeding action. (Kracauer, Siegfried. Page, 7) In nothing does Nature suggest jumps and breaks, there is between all the conditions of life a continuity or flow which the dancer must respect Huang 3 in his art, or else become a mannequin-outside nature and without true beauty (Brown, Jean Morrison. Page, 8) On the other way, Isadora Duncans movement found in nature, such simple action could influence her imagination to created steps. For example, she said: I was born by the sea, my first idea of movement of the dance, certainly came from the rhythm of the waves. (Brown, Jean Morrison. Page, 8) The majority of her picture shows, her dance movements were looks like quit simple and without brilliant dance technique, the arms were free flowing and extended, the gesture was freedom and no limited position. It was more a harmonious plasticity, swinging, swaying, flowing rhythms, with no marked dissonances, no little vibratory movements. (Constance, Garcia Barrio, Page, 19-22) Moreover, Duncans personal life was almost approach to her dance choreograph. Claiming she did not believe in marriage or monogamy. Duncan brought her feminist consciousness to the dance stage and introduced the soloist performance to dance audiences. For example her solo, Mother, illustrates how the play of idol and fetish becomes activated in the service of an essentialized female role. (Franko, Mark. Page, 10) Her efforts to reform the constricted movements of womens bodies in daily life and in theatrical self-display had meaning both externally for social life and internally for dance history. (Franko, Mark. Page, 2) She transferred the idea of a soul in physical form to the syllogism: female body equal to nature, nature equal to dance, therefore: female body equal to dance. Huang 4 (Franko, Mark. Page, 1 0) Duncans dancing presented woman as close to nature, emotion, and the unconscious while also enshrining nature in the solar plexus. (Franko, Mark. Page, 10) In my opinion, between ballet and modern dance, except gestures and movements different, there was another difference, which was performance stage. Palais Royal developed manner of the new Italian theater; it had an elevated stage on which the action took place at one end of the hall beneath a proscenium arch during 16 century. (Kraus, Richard. Page, 74) We can clearly see that ballet steps almost facing frontal since 16 century. This was easily for dancer only focus on one direction of audience, rather than on three sides of audience. That was why the dancers feet and leg became more and more turn out, instead of straight forward. Therefore, the performer separated from the audiences. On the contrast, the stage of modern dance could set something, sometimes the performer had interactive with audiences, audience could go on the stage, and saw the performer from difference direction. Maybe the dancer of modern dance does not care their back or bum facing to the audiences. Duncan on stage was notably austere; St. Denis often created opulent sets with sculptures and scenic backdrops to simulate exotic locales like Egypt or India. (Foster, Susan Leigh. Page 148) In conclusion, Isadora is known as the mother of modern dance, not only she found a new form of dance, but she also brought a new idea to dance movements. Her choreograph was expressing an inner feeling about life and without discipline, and Huang 5 provide an unlimited imagination space that dancers could find our own style and translate our own feeling and character to dance movement. Huang 6
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Annotated Bibliography for the Relations between Social Media and Corporations Essay
This article is inclined towards the influence and importance of social media as a strategic tool for communication for public and private owned corporations across the globe. Nevertheless, irrespective of the varied benefits that social media use, organizations still find it difficult to utilize its benefits because of some factors within organizations and how the operations of the said operations are carried out. This article reflects on a study that is keen on pointing out these conflicting factors within organizations and offering recommendations on how they can be remedied so that organizations can maximize on the use of social media as a communication tool efficiently. Davenport, Shaun W.; Bergman, M. Shawn, Bergman, Z. Jacqueline & Fearrington, E. Matthew: Twitter Versus Facebook: Exploring the role of narcissism in the motives and usage of different social media platforms. Computers in Human Behaviour: 32-(2014) 212-220. This article reflects on the research on the relationship between social networking sites (SNS) and narcissism through the lens of clear cut hypothesis analysis that is specific on only integral aspects of such research. In this case, Twitter and Facebook were accessed as the primary social networking sites with an inferred focus on their content generation as opposed to the commonly researched consumption of its content; this was in return related to as the precursor between narcissism and SNS usage. Motives for narcissism in both Facebook and Twitter were found to be varied considering that both SNS’s had different components for communication. Fischer, Eileen; Reuber, A. Rebecca; Online entrepreneurial communication: Mitigating uncertainty and increasing differentiation via Twitter Journal of Business Venturing -Vol: 29 (2014) 565-583 Fischer and Reuber sought to answer the question of whether or not online communication streams have any influence on human beings uncertainty reduction or enhancement of their differentiation. Through comparisons of data from eight firms that utilize Twitter as their organizational growth tool, qualitative methods were adopted to help in answering of this question. In essence and after assessment of these data, it is evident that firms that have an existent multidimensional stream of communication are more likely to influence the perceptions of the public about them. Leyland F. Pitt, Michael Parent, Peter G. Steyn, Pierre Berthon, and Arthur Money; The Social Media Release as a Corporate Communication Tool for Bloggers: IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, Vol. 54, No. 2, June 2011 122-133. In this article, the study focuses on the influence social media release as a new communication tool influence on bloggers. An estimated 332 bloggers are used as respondents who respond on the influences of social media releases on their personal decisions of writing about a particular topic. From the study findings it is evident that bloggers thoughts is not only influenced by the use of SMR’s but also their decisions and thus fostering the ideal that SMR use has massive implications on communications of corporations. Wood, Lisa: Brands and brand equity: Definition and management; Management Decision Vol 38 No. 2 (2000) 662-669 Lisa Wood pens down an excellent piece suggesting the need for brand management as assets of organizations which can only be achieved through creating relationships between brand loyalty and value and linking the same to the accounting system of an organization. The article mainly circumvents around the issue of brand management as a tool of effective communication of a organizations equity. References Davenport, Shaun W.; Bergman, M. Shawn, Bergman, Z. Jacqueline & Fearrington, E. Matthew: Twitter Versus Facebook: Exploring the role of narcissism in the motives and usage of different social media platforms. Computers in Human Behaviour: 32-(2014) 212-220. Fischer, Eileen; Reuber, A. Rebecca; Online entrepreneurial communication: Mitigating uncertainty and increasing differentiation via Twitter Journal of Business Venturing -Vol: 29 (2014) 565-583 Leyland F. Pitt, Michael Parent, Peter G. Steyn, Pierre Berthon, and Arthur Money; The Social Media Release as a Corporate Communication Tool for Bloggers: IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, Vol. 54, No. 2, June 2011 122-133. Macnamara, Jim; Zerfass, Ansgar: Social Media Communication in Organizations: The Challenges of Balancing Openness, Strategy, and Management: International Journal of Strategic Communication Vol. 6:No. 4, 287-308 Wood, Lisa: Brands and brand equity: Definition and management; Management Decision Vol 38 No. 2 (2000) 662-669 Source document
Friday, January 10, 2020
Compare three pre-20th Century poems about London Essay
I am going to compare three very different poems about London. The first poem is ‘London’ by William Blake, written around 1800. ‘Upon Westminster bridge’ is the second poem , by William Wordsworth, again written around 1800. The third poem by Mary Ann Evans in the mid-19th century is called ‘In a London drawing room.’ William Blake was a man of strong opinions, he was a strange person who painted horrific art and walked around naked in his garden. He was a strict Christian and wrote hymns. People disliked him for his strange ideas and strong criticism of what he felt was wrong. William Wordsworth lived in the Lake District, and wrote poems about where he live; the countryside. Whilst visiting London he wrote a poem about what he could see from Westminster bridge. Mary Ann Evans lived in London she was a tomboy by the name of George Elliot. Her father was a vicar. She moved to London to live a more interesting life. Working for a printing company she realised how mistreated women were. The story behind ‘Upon Westminster bridge’ is:- London looks very beautiful. You’d be sad not to be impressed. It’s about what Wordsworth sees from Westminster bridge. His theme is simple; He likes what he sees. London has a very different theme: William Blake lives in London and can’t stand it. The story is very simple the poet wanders through London’s streets thinking about what he sees. In a London drawing room also has a simple story; Mary Ann Evans is in a drawing room looking out into the street. Her theme is much more complex She talks about how London through this window is dull, grey and boring. When she says this she actually means that’s how she feels inside and expresses it through her poetry. ‘Upon Westminster bridge’ is a sonnet because it has fourteen lines praising London’s beauty, it has only one verse. It has a regular iambic rhythm all the way through: Giving the poem a joyful sound. There is no regular rhyming pattern but some lines rhyme. London uses quatrains which means it has four equal lines into four verses. London has a regular and joyful rhythm, which is ironic because of its sad message. The rhyming follows an ACBD pattern (‘A’ rhymes with line ‘C’-‘B’ rhymes with line ‘D.) ‘In a London drawing room’ has no verses, twenty lines which have each ten syllables in them. There is no regular rhythm, because of the regular enjambment. â€Å"Cutting the sky with one long line of wall Like soled Fog: Far as the eye can stretch.†The enjambment causes lines to run into each other. There is no rhyme a tall in the poem. There is a lot of figurative language in ‘Upon Westminster bridge.’ â€Å"wear The beauty of the morning; silent bare,†This a personification because the city wears the beauty of the morning like a dress. â€Å"The river glideth at his own sweet will:†In line twelve names the river a ‘he’. This poem has a lot of imagery, one of them mentions valley, rock and hill, putting the picture of the valleys, hills and rocks on the horizon. In a London drawing room too uses figurative language, â€Å"The world seems one huge prison-house and court,†this is a similar because the world seems to be like a prison-house. A metaphor would be, â€Å"Cutting the sky with one long line of wall,†this is calling the row of houses a wall cutting the sky. The figurative language in London are, â€Å"The mind-forg’d manacles I hear.†Means the people in London believe they are in manacles. The metaphor at the end of the third verse is about the old war soldiers begging outside wealthy houses, â€Å"And the hapless soldier’s sigh Runs in blood down palace walls.†In ‘Upon Westminster bridge’ most of the ‘play on words’ are to keep the rhyme and rhythm in a pattern. London plays on words quiet a lot compared with Upon Westminster bridge. At the end of the first verse there is an element of alliteration, â€Å"Marks of weakness. Marks of woe,†woe is a much more powerful word to use than sad plus it alliterates with weakness. The second verse uses ‘in every†¦.’ Four times to get the point that this is serious across more strongly. †The mind-forg’d manacles I hear,†is an alliteration of the letter ‘M’. On the last line, the last two words are marriage and hearse (car that carries a coffin) this is called juxtaposition; because marriage is associated with beginning and hearse is associated with the end they are opposites. This is an interesting way to end the poem. The only real play on words in ‘in a London drawing room’ was the last line because the three last words are the only positive words (colour, warmth and joy) in the whole poem but just before it says ‘with lowest rate of’. So they might be positive but she’s saying there is no colour, warmth or joy. I feel London is the most effective poem. This is because I like the irony in the rhythm and rhyme which sounds happy but its meaning is sad. I also like the Juxtaposition in the last line ‘Marriage hearse’. He uses clever words and sentences to put down London. I don’t like ‘In a London drawing room’ because it drags on so as to lose its meaning. ‘Upon Westminster bridge’ I quite like because its cheerful but I still prefer the way ‘London’ is written because it uses good words and clever poetry.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Aldol Condensation An Experiment - 1163 Words
Aldol Condensation 2 March 2017 Delaney Griffin Ron Hickman Abstract: This experiment used Aldol Condensation, more specifically, double Claisen-Schmidt condensation in order to synthesize dibenzalacetone from benzaldehyde and acetone. In part one of the experiment, an aldol reaction occurred. In part two of the experiment, the product was recrystallized. The results concluded that the percent yield of dibenzalacetone was 82.80%. The melting point range of the product was 106.5  °C -109.3  °C due to the difficulty of boiling out the ethanol and therefore resulted in an impure solution. Overall, the experiment successfully resulted in the synthesis of dibenzalacetone, as well as, investigation of the characteristics of the product.†¦show more content†¦During the first step of the reaction, acetone forms an enolate. An enolate ion, is â€Å"a resonance structure of the carbanion in which the negative charge is on an oxygen atom†(Kady 55). Due to the lack of an alpha hydrogen, the benzaldehyde acts as the carbonyl group. Th e acetone attacks the benzaldehyde and forms the aldol product. It then undergoes dehydration to result in the final product- an unsaturated ketone. Aldol condensation is an important type of organic synthesis used in a multitude of ways. The product found in this experiment, dibenzalacetone, can be useful for a variety of different things. For example, it is â€Å"commonly selected as sunscreen components based on the ability to absorb the full spectrum of UV-A radiation†(Chemicals Chemistry). Figure 2: The equation above shows the condensation reaction between benzaldehyde and acetone that occurs throughout the experiment in order to produce dibenzalacetone. This type of Claisen-Schmidt condensation varies from typical aldol condensation (Kady 57). Acetone Benzaldehyde Ethanol Figure 3: Above, are the chemical structures of some of the reagents used throughout the experiment. 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